Chapter 9: So Called Hanging Out

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Y/n's heart raced into her throat as they rode on the Somersault Cloud. Y/n held onto Wukong as they were heading all the way to Flower Fruit Mountain. Once there Wukong landed them onto the ground, while Y/n was terrified out of her mind at how fast they were going.

"Monkey King... t-that was terrifying!! How do you deal with that," Y/n exclaimed as she was still holding onto Wukong by his waist.

Wukong noticed this as his cheeks were tinted with a pure red blush. Slowly their eyes met as if time was coming to a stand still. Y/n's heart kept pounding not from earlier, more like skipping a beat each time. Suddenly Y/n snapped out of her trance as she let go.

"Sorry about that... anyways I'm ready to kick your monkey butt," Y/n said as she went to the other side of the cave.

As Y/n was getting into a battle stance, Jiayi and Jade got out of Y/n's hood. Following this, Jiayi and Jade transformed into humans while staying by the sidelines. Now both Wukong and Y/n were in a stance against each other. Y/n glared at him as Wukong smirked and held his hand out, beckoning Y/n. Y/n screamed out while charging at Wukong. When Y/n jumped up and tried to hit him with her staff, Wukong jumped out of the way. Try after try Y/n tried to land a hit on Wukong, but he kept evading Y/n's attacks. Somehow this got Y/n frustrated as she started to show signs of her rage form emerging. Wukong noticed this and quickly grabbed Y/n by the leg with his own tail. At an instant, Y/n was knocked down to the ground completely stunned.

"Ugh... no fair you have a tail!! How am I supposed to deal with that," Y/n exclaimed as she was getting more frustrated.

While Wukong unwinded his tail and thought about it, some baby monkeys came out of hiding. The baby monkeys were curious as they came closer to Y/n. When Y/n heard some cooing, she turned and became awestruck.

"Awww, babies!! They are so cute," Y/n said as one of the baby monkeys climbed up her arm.

This brought a smile on Y/n's face as her frustration melted away. The baby monkeys clinged onto Y/n's hair, shirt, jacket and some fell asleep in her lap. Even Jade and Jiayi were about to explode from how cute the baby monkeys were. As Y/n held a baby monkey in her arms, Wukong began to smile as well. Soon Wukong headed off somewhere making Y/n concern. Y/n then carefully got up and went after Wukong. Most of the baby monkeys stayed behind with Jiayi and Jade, only two baby monkeys clung onto Y/n while one slept in her arms. Y/n secretly followed Wukong as he gathered up a small bouquet of flowers. Wukong then headed to the part of the cave that had the murals as Y/n watched quietly. With sadness in his heart, Wukong went and placed the bouquet underneath the mural of Xia Meilian.

Wukong remained kneeling as he looked at Xia Meilian like she was a goddess while Y/n quietly approached.

With a quiet sigh, Y/n said, "She must have captured millions of hearts when she was alive."

Wukong looked at Y/n in surprise, but looked back at the mural.

With a light chuckle Wukong replied, "She was. Xia even told me that she liked being a monkey demon more than a lion demon when she was alive."

Y/n then sat beside him as she said, "Tell me something about her when she was alive."

Wukong was surprised to hear this coming from Y/n, but Y/n was curious about the last Guardian of the Zodiacs, Xia Meilian.

A sigh slipped past Wukong's lips as he looked at the mural again.

Following this, Wukong said, "Xia Meilian was more than that. She was my friend... my other half, my lover. The first time I ever saw Xia was when she was running away from the soldiers. I found out later why she was running. It was because she stole food to give to the kids that didn't have anything to eat. Xia was kind hearted and always looked out for others. Sure she scolded them from time to time, but there was always a reason for it."

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