Chapter 7: Noodles Or Death

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Y/n groaned as she was annoyed that her uncle Tang was going with her dad to the market and not her. So in Y/n case, she marched her butt all the way to the park. Y/n plot herself right on a bench and just remained there for ten minutes. Suddenly Y/n's eyes went wide as she saw a group of people from her high school day. It was a bad shock since those people bullied her for having a pig demon for a dad. Quickly Y/n hid underneath the bench, hoping that they would pass by. But faith wasn't expected as a certain someone spotted Y/n's monkey tail poking out as Y/n was in a panic.

"Hey," a raspy male voice said, making Y/n hit her head on the underside of the bench.

Y/n yelped out in pain before she removed herself from underneath the bench. She rubbed her head as her hood that she had on came off, revealing her monkey ears.

In anger, Y/n got up and said when she turned, "WHY IN THE NAME OF BUDDHA WOULD YOU-!"

Quickly Y/n shut up when she saw it was Mac. Y/n was a bit embarrassed for yelling at him, but it was Mac who startled her.

"I am so sorry, Mac!! I didn't mean to yell at you, it's just... you startled me," Y/n explained as a light blush appeared on her cheeks.

With a cocky smirk, Mac said, "Oh... I didn't mean to startle you, Lotus. I was just passing by when I noticed a monkey girl hiding under a park bench."

Y/n didn't understand what Mac meant until her tail caught her eye from the side. Y/n panicked at this before fear seeped within her heart. The group of bullies were walking in Y/n's direction.

Quickly Y/n covered her head with her hood before she whispered, "Mac, can we go somewhere else, please?"

Mac continued to have that smirk as he leaned in a bit and whispered back, "Do you mind repeating yourself?"

"I just said can we please go somewhere else," Y/n spoke up.

Mac then took Y/n's hand before leading her away. Y/n was flustered on how this man was sweeping her away. The warmth of his hand wrapped around her own hand made Y/n's heart flutter.

Without a warning, a female voice in Y/n's head echoed, 'Young miss, please be cautious of the shadow monkey.'

Y/n was confused until a male voice echoed, 'Tread lightly, young guardian! You must show no fear towards your past lover. Although he is hiding as a human.'

This made Y/n stop which made Mac stop as well. Hearing those voices in her head was confusing Y/n. Mac was a bit worried at first until he understood what was going on.

"You can hear them... their voices," Mac asked, which made Y/n even more confused.

In confusion Y/n said, "I don't know... I just thought I heard something."

Mac knew Y/n was lying, but kept going all the way to Pigsy's restaurant.

 "I believe this is your stop, I'll see you around, Lotus," Mac said before letting go of Y/n's hand and leaving.

Y/n's heart kept beating inside her chest since she felt warm touching Mac's hand.

"Wait... Mac," Y/n exclaimed which made Mac stop.

Without waiting for Mac to turn, Y/n said, "Thank you for helping me. I was just... afraid to face a certain group of people who bullied me back in school and afterwards. Just because my dad is a pig demon. I never told a-anyone this since I didn't want to cause more trouble for others. So I just took on the beatings and harsh words."

Mac's smirk faded as a frown appeared on his face. Mac was mad that some group was hurting Y/n both physically and mentally. Slowly Mac went and hugged Y/n, shocking her. With that, Y/n hugged Mac back, not even seeing the change in the color of Mac's eye from golden to purple for a few seconds. Mac was up to something before releasing Y/n from the hug.

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