Chapter 10: The Great Wall Race

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"So what is the point of having a blindfold over my eyes," Y/n asked as she was standing there with a blindfold over her eyes.

It was a new day as Y/n was in the Zodiac shrine's training room that was under the main platform. Howl was there since he was one of her mentors. Anyways while Fang, the chicken, the sheep, Jiayi and the rat were watching on, Howl was circling Y/n in his tiger form.

"The point of this is training you to sharpen your other senses. For example if you got dust, dirt or another substance in your eyes, there are other ways of detecting your enemy," Howl explained as Y/n had crossed her arms.

Y/n sighed at this since they were at it since five in the morning now it was eight o'clock. When Y/n tried to remove the blindfold for a moment, Howl walked by and whacked Y/n's monkey hand with his tail. Y/n yelped out in pain due to this as Howl transformed into a human.

Soon Howl explained once more, "You have a power in you that can create portals. Focusing on creating a portal from one point to another can be hard to master. Though it runs through your blood, if you aren't careful then you might end up killing someone. Now... try to create one."

This sent fear running down Y/n's spine as she remembered creating those portals before. It was on inanimate objects and not on living beings. With that Y/n took a deep breath and began to focus on creating a portal. Y/n tried and tried, but couldn't do it. Soon Fang began to argue with Howl again on who should be the guardian. While everyone was focused on the argument, Y/n slipped away without notice and removed the blindfold. Once Y/n was outside the shrine, she became human again. Y/n let out a sigh as she went over to her chained up bike she rode on this morning to get to the shrine.

As she was unchaining her bike, Y/n heard an edgy voice say, "You know it's quite dangerous for a pretty girl to be out here by herself, doll."

This made Y/n turn her head quickly before seeing a certain man on the fire escape. Mac was there as he looked at Y/n lovingly.

While Mac was climbing down, Y/n exclaimed, "You don't have the right to call me that. Also why are you following me?"

"Oh you know... just watching a certain Lotus," Mac replied as he put his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

Y/n was ignoring Mac's comment as she unchained her bike. As Y/n kicked up the kickstand and was about to walk away, Mac came over to her and touched Y/n's hand. Y/n was startled by this as she looked into Mac's golden eyes. That was where Y/n saw it. Y/n slowly reached up and rubbed one of Mac's eyebrows. The eyebrow Y/n was seeing had a cut through it as the cut however looked like it was really old.

"How did you get that cut on your eyebrow," Y/n asked with concern in her voice.

Mac's iconic smirk faded as he said, "It's probably the lighting."

Y/n was suspicious of what Mac said as she started to have mixed feelings about him.

"Why...," Y/n said as she moved her hand away.

Mac became confused as Y/n continued, "Why one minute you tried to help me and the next you are playing with my feelings. You keep touching me and... it's starting to make my heart ache."

It took Mac a pure few seconds to register what Y/n meant before he let out a chuckle.

After a good laugh, Mac replied, "Sorry... but... that surprised me that you didn't know that I was flirting with you. But I understand. You know we could get to know each other better if you like?"

Even though Wukong warned Y/n to stay away from Mac. Wukong wasn't her boyfriend and she could be around other guys beside her uncles, her dad or her brother.

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