Chapter 12: Macaque

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The sound of a hammer banging against rock echoed throughout the caves of Flower Fruit Mountain. The new day was fresh as usual and calm well except for the banging of the hammer.

"You know when I found out that I was going to be trained by the Monkey King. Great Sage, Equal To Haven, I had no idea..." MK said as he was getting tired of banging a hammer against the wall.

MK then looked back at Wukong, who was relaxing on a cloud and said, "That I'd be stuck here hammering walls, twelve hours a day!! While my own little sister is just sitting by and just meditating!! Why am I even doing this again?!"

"Ahh... So I can make a nice little breakfast nook. Get some light up in here," Wukong replied as Y/n opened her eyes due to someone making a lot of noise.

Quickly MK said in response, "But I'm meant to be Monkie Kid not Construction Boy!!! How am I supposed to do the hero stuff if I don't know the fighting stuff?!"

Y/n rolled her eyes as Wukong was now spinning around his staff while laying down on a cloud.

"Oh so you want to learn the 'fighting stuff' huh? Like this," Wukong said before he got off his cloud.

With that Wukong's eyes glowed. Following that Wukong threw his staff, aiming it right at the wall. MK had to duck as the staff broke through the wall. MK was star struck since what Wukong did was so cool to him. Y/n was especially amazed, but remained quiet about it.

At an instant, MK was on his knees in front of Wukong as MK said, "Yes!! Exactly like that!! I am ready for some awesome!!"

Wukong laughed at this as he said, "Look bud, you can't rush this kind of stuff. You'll get there, you just need practice."

 "But this... isn't practice," MK exclaimed as he held onto the hammer with a disappointed look.

In annoyance, Wukong replied with seriousness, "Ah... I'm never gonna teach you something you don't need to know. Ok?"

In anger MK let out a puff of air while Y/n watched on, trying to understand what Wukong was doing.

Soon Wukong continued to say in a normal tone, "Ok, now this priceless ancient mural is not going to destroy itself. So remember: Step into the strike!!"

"What does that supposed to mean," Y/n asked with curiosity as she stood up.

As Wukong was about to explain, MK's phone began to ring which made MK retrieve his phone from his pocket.

When MK answered, Mei who was on the call said, "MK... we really need your help!!"

MK fake gasped at this before he said, "A monster attacking the city... that's terrible. Dang guess I gotta go do some boring hero stuff instead of this... OK bye!!"

Quickly MK grabbed his sister's arm and left. Wukong however let out a sigh since his student wasn't getting the point of the lesson once again. Then sadness took over Wukong since he wanted to spend some time with Y/n later in the day.


Quickly the siblings made it back to the city. And when they got there, Y/n was shocked since a giant shadow-like-monster demon loomed over them.

"Just like those visions I saw in my head," Y/n whispered to herself as she looked on.

"What did we miss," MK said as he too was looking at Mei.

"MK, Y/n!! What took you guys so long," Mei asked with a bit of annoyance in her tone.

Y/n then looked over to find her dad in a pothole with Sandy standing there looking nervous. Y/n went over to them and began to lightly tap her dad in the side with her staff.

Shooting Stars At Dusk And Dawn (Macaque x Wukong x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now