Chapter 5: Duplication

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Days went by and everything was going smoothly... well for one sibling. Y/n was doing her job like normal cleaning, shopping for goods and deliveries. And at the end of the day it was either doing a chore, dinner or reading a book when she had spare time before retiring for the night early. MK however was dealing with deliveries, painting boats and partying all night. Which to Y/n was a bad thing staying up so late when you had a job. Anyways Y/n was cleaning up behind the counter before MK came in all tired.

Y/n sighed as she said, "Oh man, MK are you at it again?"

"Nope little sis, I'm good," MK said before stretching.

Tang noticed this as well as he said, "Wow MK you look like hot garbage, tired?"

MK tried to deny it before he accidently fell asleep in his food. Y/n had to face palm herself as she let out a sigh.

"MK, you should really head to bed early. If staying up late at the arcade is the problem then I think it's the best solution," Y/n said as she finished cleaning a tea cup.

Y/n then stretched before she said, "Well I'm off to bed!! An early start is a great time for starting the work day."

As she headed towards the stairs, Y/n stopped at the stairs and said, "Oh and don't try to wiggle yourself out with mystic monkey powers."

Afterwards Y/n went up to her room and got ready for bed. When her teeth were brushed, Y/n went behind a screen that was in her room and got changed. She then stepped out from behind the screen in her pjs which was an oversized t-shirt with cute colorful kittens on it. Y/n yawned before she went and laid in her comfy bed.


During the night as Y/n slept soundly, someone was able to open her bedroom window. The intruder wasn't there to steal anything more like he was there for something else. The intruder slipped in before seeing Y/n sound asleep in bed. Quietly the intruder watched as Y/n slept, part of her shoulder and collarbone were exposed. When the moonlight shone through the window, part of the intruder's lower face was exposed and the moonlight shined on Y/n. Slowly the intruder placed his hand gently onto Y/n's collarbone. The intruder felt her heart beating along with feeling her chest raising and falling. Slowly Y/n turned her head and opened her tired eyes.

Due to the darkness and tired eyes, Y/n sleepy said, "Monkey... King...."

Soon Y/n fell back to sleep while what Y/n said angered the intruder. The mention of Wukong made the intruder's blood boil.

With that the intruder leaned down close to her and whispered, "One day... I will win your heart and not Wukong. So wait for me a bit longer... my little lotus flower."


The birds chipped softly outside Y/n's window as the break of day had arrived. Soon Y/n's alarm went off, waking Y/n up from her deep slumber. She let out a sigh before getting out of bed. Y/n then headed to the bathroom and that's when she saw it. On her neck was a bruise like marking. Y/n knew nothing could bruise her neck because she was careful before she noticed a bite mark.

"Oh my god!! This is getting out of hand!! First the markings now this, what's going on? Whoever is doing this is nuts," Y/n said to herself before remembering something.

If the others found out then Y/n wouldn't be hearing the last of it. Soon Y/n got ready for work, but before she left to go downstairs, she wrapped a bandana around her neck. Y/n sighed as she hurried to go to work. When Y/n made it downstairs, she saw her brother working her morning shift. Y/n was confused as she approached her dad.

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