Chapter 18: A Date With A King

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"No... not that one!! Nada!! Why is MK's shirt even in my closet," Y/n said as she was throwing clothes around.

The reason why Y/n was throwing her clothes around was because she was getting ready for her date. And not just a normal date... a date with the legendary sage himself, Sun Wukong. The only problem was Y/n had no idea what to wear to this date.

Suddenly her bedroom door opened as Pigsy who was opening the door said, "Hey Y/n, have you seen my-?!"

Seeing clothes thrown everywhere shocked Pigsy. Including seeing a pair of undergarments hanging off her desk chair. Soon Y/n peered out from behind the closet door to find her dad in shock.

"Oops.... Sorry dad!! I'll get it cleaned up after choosing my outfit," Y/n explained before getting two different outfits and holding the outfits in front of the mirror.

Pigsy groaned at this as he said, "Why are you worried about some outfit? Can't you just wear your normal clothes today? I give you the day off since you asked for it and I find you making a mess of your room!! What for?!"

 "Maybe I can get Mei's opinion since she has a good taste in fashion," Y/n stated while ignoring her dad's words.

Pigsy groaned as he left his daughter alone for whatever reason. As Y/n was about to call her friend on the phone, Y/n spotted a yellow dress hanging up in her closet. Y/n set the other outfits down and took out the yellow dress. She held it up and looked at herself in the mirror. Y/n was amazed that the dress looked good on her just by holding it up.

'This is the one,' Y/n thought happily before she grabbed some other garments as well.

Y/n then tidy up her room, making sure everything was back into place. Afterwards, Y/n headed to the bathroom and got ready for a long relaxing shower. While in the shower, something went and stole Y/n's outfit for the day and her pjs. Once Y/n was done with her shower, she saw that her clothes were gone and the only thing hanging up was her towel. Y/n was confused as she grabbed her towel and wrapped it around herself.

'Alright... who or whatever is doing this is out of their mind,' Y/n thought as she left the bathroom in just her towel.

As she walked into her room, Y/n felt something... off. Without her realizing, someone came up behind her and blew onto the shell of her ear. This however made Y/n scream on the top of her lungs as she turned and smacked the person who did it. The person immediately fell on their rear as Y/n summoned her staff.

"Wait... MACAQUE!?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM," Y/n yelled out in pure panic.

As Y/n was about to whack Macaque with her staff, Macaque grabbed the end of her staff. He then got up and looked at her with lust in his eyes.

"Slow down, Lotus!! Can I just check up on my favorite girl? Especially when she's half-naked," Macaque stated, pointing out Y/n was just in a towel.

At an instant Y/n dropped her staff since her towel was slipping a little and tried to cover herself more with her arms. Though Y/n was trying her best to cover up her purity she had, Macaque was making her cheeks even more rosier.

"P-Please just get out!! I'm trying to get ready for something important," Y/n exclaimed which Macaque didn't listen.

What happened next made Y/n's heart stop as Macaque said, "I'm guessing that something is your date with Wukong."

"How... did you... let me guess you heard our conversation," Y/n asked, making Macaque glare at her.

Y/n then felt suddenly nervous as Macaque was walking towards her. When Macaque took a step forward, Y/n took a step back. This kept going until Y/n's back was against the wall. Y/n tried to slip away, but Macaque quickly cornered her. Slowly Macaque brought his face close to her neck, but not to bite it. Instead, Macaque rested his forehead against Y/n's shoulder. Y/n's heart kept racing louder and stronger which put Macaque at ease. As Macaque was about to say something, there was a sudden knock at Y/n's door.

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