Chapter 17: Revenge of The Spider Queen PT 3

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A parade was going on in honor of the Spider Queen as Spider Queen was enjoying it. While in the sky, the team was preparing for the surprise attack. Y/n however was looking at the Spider Mech Castle while taking off her burnt jacket from over her tank top.

"Are you sure you are ready for this," Sandy asked as he joined his niece by the railings.

Y/n then nodded and said while pinning up her hair a little with the hair stick, "Yes, I am. Even though I'm nervous, I got to do my part. Plus if Spider Queen thinks this is her year of the spider... well, she messed with the wrong zodiacs."

Sandy then softly smiled as he handed something over to his niece. Y/n was confused until she saw it was a black paint splattered crop jacket with the monkey zodiac character on the back.

"So do you like it? I was going to give you that for your birthday one year, but change it up to fit your style now," Sandy said with a nervous tone.

"Like it? That doesn't describe it. I.... LOVE IT!!! THANK YOU UNCLE SANDY," Y/n squealed as she went and hugged her uncle.

With a quick hug out of the way, Y/n then placed on her new jacket as she was ready to kick some spider butt if needed. Following that MK came over and saw his sister's new jacket.

"Woah... sis!! Nice new threads you got there, but are you sure you can do this," MK asked, pointing out the Spider Mech Castle.

Y/n smirked and said when she jumped onto the railing in her monkey form, "MK... no one I mean no one messes with the Lunar New Year of the Zodiacs. Not when I'm around. So it's time for the New Year of the Monkey to aid you guys in this fight."

Without a warning, Y/n leaned back and fell off the drone. Panic filled MK's mind as he hurried to the edge, but then smiled. The reason for this was, Jade jumped off Y/n's arm before transforming into her giant form and flying up with Y/n on her back. Soon the group was split with Y/n going to get Wukong and the others saving the world. As this was going on, Jade stayed up high and camouflage as they approached the Spider Mech Castle.

Once there Jade dropped Y/n off before Y/n said, "You go and check up if any of the other zodiacs are alright.''

Jade let out a puff of air before she left, leaving Y/n on the rooftop. Y/n watched for a second before Y/n summoned a portal beside herself. She then knelt down and stuck her head through the portal. Y/n looked around for any enemy to find none there.

"Alright... cleared," Y/n whispered before looking at the drone in the sky.

Y/n then pulled out her staff and waved it around, signaling that she was going in. Afterwards, Y/n jumped through the portal and landed with grace onto the ground. The place was spooky to her, but Y/n knew she had to find Wukong.

"WUKONG!! WUKONG... WHERE ARE YOU?! WUKONG...," Y/n yelled out, trying to find Wukong.

At an instant, Wukong tilted his head in confusion, wondering if he was hearing things. When Y/n called his name once more, Wukong went wide eyed and his heart raced. Hearing Y/n calling out his name made Wukong happy that Y/n was alright.

"PEACHES... WE'RE IN HERE," Wukong called out, making Y/n's ears twitch.

 Y/n's heart raced as she ran towards where she heard it. When Y/n recognized the doors from when she was separated from her body, she pushed them open with force. Once the doors were out of the way, Y/n's breath was a bit heavy and her heart was still racing. Soon Wukong's and Y/n's eyes met as reassurance filled their eyes.

Slowly Y/n walked in as she said, "Wukong... how are you holding up?"

Wukong watched for a moment before he said when Y/n was a few feet away, "Well... besides having to deal with being tied up in spider webbing, having some of my powers drained and DBK struggling to get free. I say... I'm doing alright now that you are here."

Shooting Stars At Dusk And Dawn (Macaque x Wukong x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now