Chapter 13: A Lesson In Controlling Oneself

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"Dad... are you sure there is nothing I can do," Y/n asked as she sat on one of the outside stools.

Pigsy who was working in the kitchen yelled out since he was working, "Y/N, NOT NOW!!! I'M TRYING TO GET THESE ORDERS DONE!! JUST GO DO SOMETHING TO KEEP YOUR MIND BUSY!!"

Y/n sighed as she got up and walked down the street. Just another day for Y/n right now without her job due to her injury. All Y/n could do was wait for the healing process to take it's course. Suddenly Y/n heard footsteps coming from behind her which frightened her. When Y/n walked faster, the person behind her quickened their steps. When Y/n turned a few corners, the stranger was still right behind her. After some time, Y/n had enough. Suddenly when the stranger grabbed Y/n by the shoulder, she conjured up a shield with a sheep engraved on the metal. With that shield, Y/n quickly turned around and smacked the person with the shield.

"That's what you get for-! Oh... it's just you," Y/n said sarcastically as she saw it was Macaque in human form, sitting on the ground now.

Macaque shook his head as he got up and said, "What... not happy to see me, Doll?"

With that, Y/n angrily rested the rim of her shield under his chin as she said, "I told you not to call me that. Including don't call me anything because you lost my trust. I thought you were my friend, but instead you went and hurt the people close to me without any thought."

Macaque was surprised by her outburst as Y/n unsummoned her shield back into her staff. As Y/n was trying to walk away, Macaque quickly grabbed Y/n's wrist. In the matter of a few seconds, Y/n yanked her hand away and created a portal. Y/n at an instant went through it without Macaque following her. This annoyed Macaque since he wanted to talk to her away from her family and friends about something.

Suddenly Macaque's eyes turned purple as he said, "Find her and bring her to me!!"

This caused a lot of shadow clones to race out from under Macaque's feet. Obeying their creators command of finding Y/n and retrieving her.


Over two hours had passed as Macaque stood on top of a rooftop in his true form. He was surprised that Y/n disappeared out of thin air without a trace. Soon a shadow clone appeared making Macaque look back.

"Did you find her yet," Macaque asked with seriousness in his tone.

The shadow clone shook it's head no before bringing out a jacket, more precisely, Y/n's jacket. It turns out Y/n left her jacket behind in the park so if she was tracked no one could find her. The clone then handed the jacket which was drench to Macaque. At an instant, Macaque knew that smell wasn't an option since Y/n might be using portals to get around.

"Clever girl!! The old drench your piece of clothing and use your portal trick. Xia used to do the same thing and somehow her reincarnation picked up the same trick. Although... her new form didn't understand that my name is also what I can do," Macaque said as he turned back around to look at the city.

Suddenly Macaque removed his glamor from over his face revealing a scar over his right eye and two more sets of ears appeared above the other pair. A smirk appeared across his face as the voices of others were being heard. With Y/n, she was on the train as she was looking out the window. Y/n now had on a shoulderless long sleeve over her cami which she bought while using her portals to travel around. Losing her favorite jacket was the best bet for Y/n, but using so much energy while making portals was exhausting. So the only safe place for her at this point was on the train. Still Y/n was frustrated and angry at Macaque for what he did. So mad that white/blue fur grew on her hand which Y/n suddenly saw. She was shocked and tried to get rid of it, but with her anxiety of trying to get rid of it, it was getting worse.

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