Chapter 20: A Date With The Warrior

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Y/n tossed and turned in her sleep as something like a dream or a nightmare was playing in her head.

Suddenly a pair of eyes in the dream looked at her as it said, "Wake Up!!"

Y/n jolted out of her sleep with pure shock. After the last few days of dealing with a meteor shaped like a dumpling and her dad going ping pong crazy. Everything seemed normal for Y/n except for having some strange dream-like nightmares. Y/n didn't understand why this was happening, but she knew one thing. She wasn't going to tell Howl about it since she was still mad at him. Soon Y/n got out of her bed and stretched.

As soon as Y/n was doing some breathing exercises, all of a sudden she heard, "Morning, Peaches!!"

This made Y/n jump before her eyes turned silver and her vision turned silver as well. Turns out Wukong was calling her through Astral Projection which Y/n wasn't used to, yet.

"Morning to you too, Wukong. But maybe next time... give someone a warning!! I could've been fully naked when I woke up," Y/n stated as she stood there with her arms over her chest.

Indeed Wukong lightly blushed at this, but was glad that Y/n had her pjs on. Anyways Y/n let out a sigh as she went and got her clothes for the day.

As she was about to go behind the scene that was in her room, Y/n asked, "Wukong, do you mind turning around so I could get dressed please?"

Without a fuss, Wukong turned around as Y/n went behind the screen.

"So... how's your vacation going for you," Y/n asked as she started to get ready for the day.

"Well... it's alright, but I missed you while I'm gone," Wukong replied, making Y/n stop to blush for a moment.

After she got dressed, Y/n walked over to the Astral Projection of Wukong and looked at him. Y/n was fascinated by his features even with his eyes closed. Slowly Y/n lean in close, almost making their lips touch. Suddenly Wukong opened his eyes, making Y/n back away quickly. Wukong was confused as a light blush appeared on Y/n's face. When Y/n was looking back over at Wukong after a few minutes, he was gone without a word. Somehow this put sadness in her heart since Y/n wanted to talk to Wukong a bit more. As Y/n wanted to reach out to Wukong, she suddenly smelled that scent again.

'It's that smell again!! The same one I smelled a few days ago. Why... Why is it here again,' Y/n thought as she closed her eyes and took in the scent.

Once she got hold of the scent, Y/n used her portals and went to her destination. When Y/n opened her eyes, she found herself outside the Shadow Play Theatre. Y/n didn't understand why she was here, but knew one thing... it was a strong male scent. Eventually, Y/n headed into the theater which to her shock was unlocked. Even though the outside looked ancient, the inside looked nice. While exploring, Y/n spotted something glowing under the doorway of one of the showing rooms. Quietly, Y/n went and opened the doors. She peered inside to find someone was inside on the stage with something. Y/n quietly went inside and softly shut the doors. Since Y/n forgot her shoes at home, she was completely silent.

As she walked slowly closer and closer to the stage, she saw that something was a lantern that let off a purple glow. Y/n was fascinated by this before she came to a halt. To Y/n's shock the person on stage was none other than Macaque himself. Indeed, Y/n was surprised that Macaque was here and was moving the lantern around like a master. But as she was looking at Macaque, Y/n went all red faced and her tail popped out when she saw Macaque had no shirt on. Quickly Y/n put her hand over her mouth since she didn't want Macaque to know she was here.

Slowly as she was backing up, Y/n thought, 'Don't. Make. A. Sound!!'

When Y/n quickly turned around, she stumbled and fell back when she tripped over her own feet and tail. She let out a shocked scream as she tumbled down the stairs and right up to the stage with a thud, upside down. This somehow got Macaque's attention as he went over to where Y/n was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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