Born to make history

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"Please try to understand we already have five sons and i don't know if i can have a daughter?". Kunti said while sitting on the rock with sahadev in her hands.

"You can at least try for us". Said Pandu sitting on his one knee in front of His first wife.

'Jiji Arya is right you should try and these boys will always protect her, right Yudhishthir?" Said Madri.

"Jii (yes) mata Madri". He said respectively to his father's second wife.

A sigh come from Kunti's mouth, who was now looking at the faces of her sons.

"Okay, we will go Tomorrow morning Arya". She said to Pandu who was excitedly nodding.

The next day before surya can rise two people start walking towards the cliff with a hope in their eyes as they reach there surya was hitting his warm rays on their face lightly making them glow.

"From whom do you want a Putri Arya?". Kunti asked facing his husband.

"I want a Putri which Glow like a moon, has Strength to protect herself from this world, has glorious from inside and outside, voice like a music but when she talk make all shut. I want a Putri Like Mata Parvati."

A smile forms on Kunti's face, she eagerly nod her head.

Kunti and Pandu Join their hands as kunti start chanting the mantra.

After few minutes a light shines in the sky. They open their eyes to see mata Parvati in front of them. They greets the goddess.

"Well the mantra is only for a son Putri. But being impressed by your intentions and belief i blessed you with a Daughter". Said mata Parvati and a Putri place in Kunti's hand.

" She will bring happiness in your life, with her one smile she make people forget their problems and sorrow, She make pleasant your life with love and happiness, she will be soft and fragile but her dharm make her strong and give her strength to get out of all the difficulties of life, my blessings will always with her. Her name will be 'SUHANI'."

A bright smile form on the face of girl who was playing with the mala of her mother.

The goddess was disappeared in the sky and the parents of newly daughter looking at her face which give their heart a warmth of happiness.

They arrive at their place the older son come infront of them.

"Mata can I take her in my hands?". Said their son which always has a calm look on his face now has a playful and cute smile. Even forget to greet his parents. Thats suprised Kunti and Pandu.

"Awashya! But be careful" She handed her son his little sister.

He nodded and took her carefully in his small and soft hands. She giggle in happiness. He take her and sit under the tree so the ray of surya want disturb her.

"What is her name Pitashree?" Asked Yudhishthir while staring at the small thing in his hands.

"Suhani- Suhani is her name putra." Said few seconds they heard some other footsteps sound.

"Jyestha you can't play with her alone we also want to play." said Arjun while running towards his sister and jyestha. Bheem also ran behind his brother with two ladoo in both hands followed by two other small 3 year kids.

A laugh escape from Madri's mouth.

"Jiji I guess now we don't have to worry about Suhani and these fives". Madri said while sitting beside Her husband on the left side as kunti sitting on his right side.

She nod her head.

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