... Nightmare or vision?...

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"ahhh" i yelp as a sharp pain run through my body.

I remember what happened last night my body is hurting because of his tight grip and rough kiss. My hands are hurting the most his fingerprints are still there with redness.

I touch my lips the blood gets dry and makes a blood crust. My vision get blur thinking about the pain he give me by his words.

It's still early in the morning but there is no way I can go to sleep again so i slowly get up from the bed and make my way to the bathroom.

After taking a bath i worship lord Shiva more than how much I usually do. And start chanting his name, i open my eyes when I heard footsteps. I look at the direction my breath hitched.

Ashwatthama was standing some foot steps behind looking like a whole mess.
I decided to ignore him when my graze fell on his hands. Which was bleeding. My eyes wide I stand up and run to him, take his both hands in mine.

But he jerk my hands off, making me almost fall.

"Don't. Touch. Me." He warn.

"But your hands are bleeding you need treatment. Please let me help you." I request

"I would like to die rather than get help by you." He said in a low pitch tone. Making my heart sink.

"Ashwatthama." I whisper and about to touch his arm when he step back.

"Don't...you..Dare." he warn. Tears fell from my eyes, he hates me this much. The only thought in my mind.

Without listening any further he went from there leaving me in a broken state.


It's been days to our marriage now but still the relationship between us making me confused sometimes he shows how much he cares about me and sometimes he behaves like he don't know me.

"Putri Pandavas are doing Rajasuya Yagya in indraprastha, you and Ashwatthama will go as you also meet them till your marriage." Pitashree said

"Jii Pitashree." I said and looked at Ashwatthama who was eating his food being silent all the time.

"And tomorrow I am departure for Gurugram as your mother is also there and we will stay there for sometime, i have some students to teach." Pitashree said.

"Jii Pitashree." Ashwatthama reply this time.

Pitashree get up and went for his room and just after him Ashwatthama also went without looking at me. I sigh and sit down for eating dinner. I really miss everyone and the time i spent with them, how we use to eat together while making fun of eachother and then Mata scolds us. I didn't realise when tears fall from my eyes, when I realise i wiped them away and eat the rest of the food not much as nowadays I don't feel eating much.

After sometime i arrived infront of our room. I take a deep breath and went inside. My graze directly fell in the bed where he was laying. I know he is not sleeping, he never do till he didn't feel me on the bed beside him. I know he loves me but the misunderstanding that was in his mind stoping him from hearing what his heart says.

I sigh decide not to think further and took off heavy jewellery leaving some light weighted.

The voice of my Anklet are enchoing in the whole Room. Dasi already blew the flame of Diya's. I slowly lay beside him making a good distance between us. Because i don't want him to tell at me, not now.

I closed my eyes and start chanting lord Shiva's Name till sleep took over me.

"Ash-Ashswatthama! NOOOOOO! PLEASE! PLEASE! KAHNA DON'T." I scream seeing a Bloody Ashwatthama begging for death and Kahna using his Sudarshana Chakra for taking out Syron-rathan from Ashwatthama's head who was yelling and crying in pain.

"Pleaseeeeee....stop... don't hurt him... please don't." I beg.

"I can't do anything Suhani. His Karma has taken him here." Kahna said who's eyes are red with tear in them.

SUHANI! SUHANI, GET UP!" Someone is calling me, I tightly closed my ears the screams, the words everything is repeating in my mind. When I feel a shake. I shoot open my eyes and looked at the person in front of me.

It was Ashwatthama who was tightly helding me in his arms with sweat on his forehead looking tensed and worried. Without thinking much i buried my face in his chest he immediately hid me in him.

"Ashwatthama." I cry

"Shhhh it's just a nightmare." He softly whispered in my ear.

I break the hug and look up at him, i place my both palm on his both cheeks taking his face in my hands. I look at him with teary eyes.

"You alright?" He asked, i shook my head, he placed his hand on above mine and wait for me to continue.

"I saw the most worst nightmare ever....i-i saw that y-you were crying in pain completely in blood Kr-Krishna threw his S-Sudarshana Chakra on you and-and take your ratna outhaahaaa and y-you were scr... Screaming....." He tightly embraces me and kisses my hair. I cry on his chest.

"Shhhhhhh, i am here-i am here. I am alright. Calm down, my love." He do some sweet talks with me but I'm not in that situation to listen deeply. After some time I calm down and that whole night I sleep in his arms and he cares my hair and place kisses on me.

{ "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." }

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