~Battle of love~

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"If i abduct Subhadra then you and Bhrata Balram will have to fight with me and I can't take up arms against you." Bhrata said with a sad face.

"That's true Parth, A battle will be announced. It's a very dreadful situation." Kahna said, I looked at them with my shiny eyes who are holding tears in them.

Kahna walked towards me with a mischief smile, I looked at him confused when he raised his one eyebrow. My eyes are wide in realisation and a huge smile crack on my face. I immediately looked at jiji who was just staring at bhrata.

"Jiji." I called her grabbing her attention.

"Bhrata cannot abduct you but....you can abduct him, right?" I continued, A huge smile formed on her lips.

"Abduct me? What are you saying, Suhani? It can't be possible." He said looking at me with a frowned face.

"Oh bhrata, this is the only way." I said, coming in front of him.

"You don't understand. A warrior abducted by a girl. This has never happened before." He said I looked at him with disappointment.

"But the solution is an excellent one, Parth." Kahna said on which I nodded my head in yes. When he continues.

"There's a problem though. You will be moaked at. You will be humiliated. Give it a thought." Kahna said making a face. I try my best not to burst out laughing, I shook my head at the thought of him never take anything seriously.

Bhrata lost in a deep thought, when a light & polite smile form on his lips. He looked at jiji then me and then Kahna.

"What's your command madhav?" He asked

"There are no commands in love, Parth. And moreover, in this world it is valour that always abducts love but i believe that if love abducts valour then the world can be a happier place. But the final decision is yours, Parth." Kahna said now looking at bhrata. Their was a pause for few minutes i close my eyes and pray to lord Shiva. When bhrata spoke i slowly opened my eyes.

"At your behest I had taken up a woman's guise......Let me do this too." Bhrata completed his words when a loud scream of happiness come from my mouth.

"Ahhhhhhh Bhrata, Bhrata, Bhrata you are the best." I said and tightly hugged him. He cracked a laugh and wrapped his arms around me

"I can do anything for my princess." He whispered in my ear softly and placed a kiss on my head.

We broke the hug when Kahna spoke.

"Subhadree, you know driving a chariot. I have kept the chariot ready for you." Kahna said placing a hand on Jiji's cheek. Jiji smile and take his blessings. When Kahna looked at me and bhrata.

"Go, Parth. If the future of the entire Aryan Lineage didn't depend on this abduction then i wouldn't have gone through with this fabrication." He said with seriousness in his voice and nodded at bhrata I looked up at Bhrata who nods back at him.

Bhrata give a last look at me and kiss me temper. I closed my eyes as a tear fall, i know this is not going to be easy.

They both went from their I looked at their direction till they disappeared. I sniff and place my head on Kahna's chest wrap my arms around his waist he cares my hair and places a soft kiss.

"Kahna..... everything gonna be fine right?" I asked looking at his face still not breaking the hug. He sigh and a ghost smile form on his lips. He nodded and hmm.

We broke the hug when Kahna speak up.

"Suhani,....now our role is going to play." He said I looked at him confused

"What do you mean?" I asked, he looked at the way of mandap

"Come on." He said taking my hand in his i walked with him hand in hand.

Our every step is taking us closer to the mandap and to the people who is now gonna burst on us by their questions. The anxiety killed me already is I was not holding Kahna's hand.

{ "Love is not confined to romantic relationships; it encompasses love for all living beings and the world around us." }

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