~ Indraprastha ~

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I am getting ready for indraprastha as we are departing for there today. From the nightmare night Ashwatthama's behaviour changes with me in a good way. He stopped bringing Dhrishtadyumna topics between us but he still didn't open up in front of me, it was just that he stopped being rude and started controlling his anger, but there is nothing like a husband and wife relationship between us.

I sighed and wore the chudamani on my head and started moving out towards the main gate as he was waiting for me there.

I sighed and wore the chudamani on my head and started moving out towards the main gate as he was waiting for me there

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As i reached down at the main gate i looked for Ashwatthama but he was not there, i decided to check inside so i turned around and about to go when I heard a noise

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As i reached down at the main gate i looked for Ashwatthama but he was not there, i decided to check inside so i turned around and about to go when I heard a noise. I recognised this voice.

"Vasu!" I immediately turned to look. I saw him, I ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"Vasu! Vasu! Vasu! You cannot imagine how much I miss you." I said and cares his head when a voice came from behind me.

"You like it?" The person asked, I turned around a bright smile form on my lips.

"Like? I love it!" I said and hugged the person he took a step back because of my sudden hug but hugged me back in a few seconds.

"Thank you! Thank you so much Ashwatthama! I can't tell you how much happy I am. You bring him here?" I asked and looked at him from the hug he looked like a tomato and nod his head I chuckled and placed a kiss on his cheek and broke the hug.

"Let's go!" I said and sat on Vasu, I looked at Ashwatthama who was still on his same place but the difference is he placed his hand on his cheek where I kissed. Seeing him this much affected by a single kiss on the cheek and hugged i blushed hard and looked down with a smile on my lips and butterflies in my stomach. When I heard.

"Maharaj chaliye." A soldier request, Ashwatthama come out from his world and Clear his throat.

I try to suppress my laugh at his reaction but when he looked at me with shy eyes i broke into laughter.

He sat on his horse and we start riding starting our journey to Indraprastha.


It's been almost night when we reach Indraprastha as we enter in the Palace everyone was present there for our welcome. Everyone was happy till Bhratas eyes landed on Vasu and they start a staring compitition between each other.

"Oh god he is just an innocent horse stop treating his like a enemy." I said being done by their behaviour.

"As I can talk with animals I can tell this little horse of yours don't like us." Bhrata Nakul said and other agrees with him.

"Yeah, because you start fight with him." I said and cares Vasu's hair.

"You and innocent horse." Bhrata Arjun said in a whisper but i heard me but before i can say anything Ashwatthama said.

"Give me your hand." He demanded, without questioning i give him my hand he placed his other hand on my waist and take me down from the horse. My heart jingle at his touch.

"Ohhh hoooo." Bhrata Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev said in tune. I blush and go and hug Jyestha. Who laugh and place his hand on my head.

"Acha-Acha let them in." Jyestha said and we went Inside.

After greeting everyone we eat our dinner when Dhrishtadyumna come towards me. As Maharaj Draupad and Dhrishtadyumna was also present there. Only they were present as there was time for Rajsuya yagya maybe days because some cows was going to send from Hastinapur to Indraprastha. We are early here because of the order of Pitashree who want us here early, I don't know why?

"Uhhmm Sure, i guess." I said

"Not here, somewhere else." He said and after thinking of few seconds i nod my head as everyone was busy in talking i decided not to disturb anyone so i went with him to the garden.

"So, What you want to say?" I asked

"Are you happy in thus marriage?" He asked without any further talk making me shock by his sudden question but I answered his anyway.

"Yes. Yes, I am more than happy." He smiled but i can sense it's half hurted. So i continue. Without realising someone was hearing us.

"You know what, i know how you feel towards me. But I'm sorry that I cannot share the same feeling with you. Because i really love Ashwatthama more than anything in this world. But we can still be friends if you want but i can't be more than that with you not only in this life but also in other life too because i only belong to one person and that is Ashwatthama and no one can take his place in my life. And trust me you will also going to find someone who truly loves you." I said with a shiny eyes thinking about Ashwatthama, I look at Dhrishtadyumna who was now smiling with his full heart. With Also shine in his eyes.

"I am genuinely happy for you." He said and went from there.

I decided to go after sometime because the weather was heavenly beautiful as the rainy season was going on.

I looked up at the and close my eyes feeling the cold brazze touching bare part of my body. When someone hugged me from behind placing their cold hands like ice on my stomach i flinch and open my eyes with a jerk. I put my hands above on that person's hand when the person said in my ear.

{ "The word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness." }

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