I am Pregnant?

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This is the last year of brother Arjun's exile and moreover we got to know that Dau fixed Subhadra jiji's Vivah Bhrata Duryodhana and i am tensed for jiji and Bhrata Arjun.

Since this morning I am not feeling well. I am feeling uneasy like vomiting and dizzy. But i didn't tell Ashwatthama anything i don't want him to get worried. It's night time and we already had our dinner but I still didn't feel any better.

"Suhani! Suhani, where are you?" I heard Ashwatthama calling me but before I could say anything everything black out, when I feel a grip on my waist.


I feel someone caressing my hair, i slowly open my eyes and look at the person.

"Suhani, you wake up." Ashwatthama said happily his face shows a pure emotion of happiness and love. He kissed my forehead then pecked my lips. I looked at him being all confused.

"What happened, you look so happy?" I asked

"I-i how can I tell you why I'm so happy!" He said making me impatient.

"Ashwatthama pleaseeee tell me what happened? Is bhrata Arjun return from exile?" I asked him, he shook his head.

"Then?" I again asked

"Y-you are going to be a Mother." He said taking my face in his palms. I was so shocked to react but when I felt his lips on mine I came back to reality and kissed him back after sometime we pulled apart kiss.

"I-I....I can't tell you how happy I am!" Ashwatthama said in a cracking voice, his eyes are filled with so many emotions. I wipe the tear from my eyes and get out from the bed.

"Where are you going?" He asked

"Ohfo! We need to tell everyone about this news, go send mata and Pitashree a letter and told them to come here." I order him and continue my talks i stop when I feel him staring at me deeply with his shiny eyes. I blush and look aside.

He approach me and place his hands on my bare waist, he slowly take his face near to my ear and whisper in his husky voice which still give a great shiver to my body.

"Don't you think we should make our baby double." He said placing his hands on my hips pulling me closer to him leaving no gap.

"Ashwatthama, please." I whispered to him loosing my self in his touch.

"What.... I'm right,.....Right?" He said placing kisses on my jaw sucking my skin. I nod my head loosing all my sense.
He turn me around and place my hair on my chest brushing his lips on my nape leaving wet kisses.

I try not to moan but his touch making me weak infront of him.

"Ashwatthama." I mean his name. He chuckled lightly and take off my dupatta. Grabbing it in his fist.

"What?" He questioned, i lightly pushed him back against the wall, he smirk at my action. I come closer to his face and our lips are brushing, when I said.

"There is no need for making twins." I whispered lightly as our lips are still brushing with each other while making a i contact. I grab the dupatta from his hand and back off leaving him utterly dumbfounded.

He was too shocked to react at my sudden act.

"You cheater." He said and run behind me I run for my life. When he come close to me i didn't notice when my leg come in a contact with bed i fall on the bed trying to save myself i grab on Ashwatthama's hand making him fall on me.

"Ouch!" We both said in the same time.

"You shouldn't run like this. You will hurt yourself." He start scolding me, i give him a done look and wait for him to stop but he didn't stoping his scolding session, so a idea pop up in my mind.

"Oh god Ashwatthama baby kick!" I said putting a shock face. He stop and stood up and place his hand on my stomach. I laugh seeing him this clueless.

"What? Why are you laughing?" He asked with a confused face and innocent puppy eyes making my heart melt.

"Ashwatthama. Ashwatthama. Ashwatthama, you are soo innocent. Ufff how can a baby kick in his first weak." I told him. He show me his dramatic hurt face and looked away with a pout.....wait really with a pout.....i am confused now who is pregnant me or him? If I am pregnant then why he is getting mood swings? First he was happy, then romantic, then caring and now Angry.

I let out a huge sigh and stand in front of him he didn't bother to looked at me. So i decide to use his trick on him.

I tiptoe on my feet and grabbed pulled his face down, capturing his lips with mine, he placed his hand on my waist and pulled me closer the soft kiss turned into a rough kiss as he placed his one hand on my nape pulling me closer and other on my hip.

"Umm mmmm As-ummmhmm" he take me in his arms and placed me on the bed getting over me without breaking the kiss. After few minutes he pull out and kiss my forehead.

"You must be tired, you should sleep now. You must forget that we have to go Dwarka tomorrow for Duryodhana's marriage." He said while placing my head on his chest hugging my lower waist loosely. I snuggle more in his embrace. He kissed my hair.

"Subh ratri." He softly said

"Subh ratri, i love you." I said

"I love you too." He said caressing my stomach. A smile form on my lips seeing him being this much caring and protective for our child.

But my mind is not getting out from what happen to jiji will she really marry Bhrata Duryodhana.

"Hai Shiva! Ye bhrata Arjun Kahan hai?!" I questioned in mind.

{ "You will never age for me, nor fade, nor die." }


Please Suggest baby names in the comment section.

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