~ I will burn myself to death ~

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When I saw Kahna standing at the door i looked at him with my tears eyes then Ashwatthama. Who was looking down blankly.

I just ran out of the room in the corridors when I bumped into someone

"Suhani? What happen? Are you alright?" I looked up at the person, it was Dhrishtadyumna, i didn't say anything just stood there. He hesitatingly wiped the tears from my eyes gently without thinking twice i hugged him tightly and cried my heart out. He hesitate at first but then softly place his hand on my hair, in these two days Dhrishtadyumna and I got a little closer we become like nice friends.

"Shhh calm down." He gently whisper, after sometime later getting in my senses i broke the hug and looked down feeling embarrassed and scared of what to tell him when he said.

"I won't ask you anything. I promise." Like he can read my mind

"Suhani! Did Panchal Raj come here? I met him in the corridor and asked him where he was going? he said he was going to meet you. Actually Jyestha has to tell him about a few things." Bhrata Nakul said i shook my head thinking what if he come here and saw me with Dhrishtadyumna? He already didn't like him.

"Nahin Bhrata. Umm excuse me i have to go somewhere." I said and went from there to look for Ashwatthama, a bit of hope went in me. What if he was to shocked to reply? What if i overreact? What if there is still some hope? I look for him everywhere only to find him in the garden. His back was facing me.

"Ashwatthama." I called him but he didn't turn towards me so I went in front of him but seeing his eyes make my heart droped in my stomach. He was looking at me with pure hate. His eyes were red and teary.

"Why?" He whispered, then he firmly grab my shoulder and shake me.

"WHY? WHY? WHY?, who give you right to play with me. You said you love me then what were you doing with that Dhrishtadyumna? Or you never loved me? But I never told you to lie to me about your DAMN FELLINGS.....wait wait wait it's must be your bhratas who told you to do this, isn't it? I knew, i damn knew it. Now i understand why Duryodhana makes a plan to burn them alive. How low can you go telling me that you love me and having a relationship with that Dhrishta-"

"Stop! Stop! Stop! Please stop!, don't complete your sentence. You are angry right now so please don't say such things you will regret later." I begged him but I wasn't able to convince him because...

"How dare you! To lie to me." He asked, shook me hard, leaving bruises. He is not that Ashwatthama that I loved, he looks so different I can't able to recognise the person who is standing in front of me. What happen to him? What makes him think i and Dhrishtadyumna have something? He pressed his fingers harder in my shoulder.

"Ahhh" i hiss but he didn't look affected as he doesn't care if i get hurt.

I stare in his eyes with my teary ones deeply, because if the person lies by their words then their eyes tell the truth best, he looks so hurt by seeing him in this state my body feels soo weak, I just want all his pain for me and give him all my happiness. I gently grabbed his face in my hands and tiptoe on my foot, I care his cheek and attach my forehead with his we both close our eyes it feels like my actions make him a bit because He placed his cold hands on my lower bare waist making shiver run in my body. He cares my waist with his thumb making me weak on my legs. Trust me if he wasn't holding me by waist then i had been already down on the ground.

"Please trust me my feelings for you are not-" he cut me off and spoke like he is even disgusted mentioned it by his tongue.

"Please don't lie, I heard Dhrishtadyumna confessing his love for you in front of Bhima and said he will do anything to win this Swayamvar then I saw you hugging him and I realised may be he already confessed to you." I shook my head hurriedly.

"No, no, no, it's not like that i onl-." I firmly said staring in his eyes, i took my hands off from his cheeks and turn to walk away.

"You know what now i actually realise my feelings for you. I DAMN HATE YOU." He asked in his deep voice with a low chuckle while pressing my waist hardly before pushing me back, i almost tipped. My version was blurry and I wasn't able to breathe, everything feels like a lie to me. But after a few seconds i don't feel anything, I look at his face with fire in my eyes, I can't recognise my own voice only i recognise was the pain in that.

"If you don't marry me then I will end up my life by burning myself to death in fire and i swear this is not a lie."

Without waiting for his answer I turn my back towards him and went from there. My heart feels so heavy my breath is getting faster i don't know where my feet are taking me. All I know I don't want to face anyone right now, i only want to see one person and i went to him for getting answers of all my questions.

{ "And then there is me, always waiting for you." }

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