~ Suhagraat ~

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After some time I closed my eyes due to being tired and crying, a few minutes later sleep took over me.


I felt a shake, i tiredly opened my eyes and looked at the person.

"We arrived." Ashwatthama shortly said, i tried to get out but the lehenga was heavy, it's difficult to move with this when I felt an arm on my waist, I looked up, Ashwatthama took me in his arms and placed me on the ground softly, making my heart bounce. As Guru Dronacharya already went inside so he didn't see us like this.

He start walking without waiting for me I also walk behind him when my leg stuck on the lehenga and I was about to fall i close my eyes to feel the pain but that never come i slowly open my eyes looking at Ashwatthama who save me from falling, out of nowhere he took me in his arms in bridal style, being scared of falling i place my one arm around his neck and my hand on his chest which was uncovered. My breath fasten by the contract of his cold hand on my bare waist.

He entered inside his room which is our now. A pink tint form on my cheeks. He softly place me on my feets.

"Thank you." I softly said in a low voice.

"You know i thought for a second you will not come to the Swayamvar but then the music starts and i thought it was you but that was Dhrishtadyumna-"

He cut me off by going out from here without saying a single word. I looked at his disappearing figure. "What happen to him? Is he still mad at me? But i don't think because what's the point of being confused i married to him now so the misunderstanding he had for me and Dhrishtadyumna should already have been cleared. Then what's the point?" I thought in my mind. I told the guard to not let anyone in so I can change clothes.

I sigh and take this heavy thing off from my body i took off all the jewellery only leaving some light weighted basic ones, I opened my hair and let them free fall and took off the dupatta off from my chest without realising someone was staring at me from behind, i grab the hem of my blouse tried to open my blouse but failed as my hands are not reaching their.

"Ufff, i should call a dasi to help me." I said to myself and about to call for a dasi as no one is inside ofcourse because I'm changing and moreover i personal don't like someone in my room for whole twenty four hours. I flinch at the sudden feeling of a cold hand on my back i about to push when the person softly whispered in my ear.


He slowly push my hair in the front and placed his both hands on my lower waist.

His hot breath was tickling on my neck, when he softly bit my earlobe.

"Ashwatthama." I softly moan his name, he starts placing a kiss on my back.

I smell something weird, I sniff the smell, it's Alcohol. Wait he is drunk, i push him back and turn to him. He tried to touch me but i push his hand away.

"What happen? Why are you not letting me touch you? You are MY wife...or wait you are doing this because you can't get over from that Dhrishtadyumna?. Don't worry I'm much better than him i can make you feel much goo-"


before he could complete his sentence i yelled at him, he looked at me with red eyes, he was shaking in anger.

"Cheee! How can you think so low of me. I am not a thing I'm a human and you-you say that....how?" I said my eyes also became red but not because of anger but because of being hurt by his words. He pull me close to him by arms leaving no gap between us. He deadly stare at me if stares can kill a person then I am already been dead by now. I tried to pull myself out from his grip but he tightened his grip on me, He took a full grip of my hair in his fist pulling my face closer to his leaving no gap he looked in my red crying eyes by his blood shoot red angered ones, he smashed his lips on mine while still make the eye contact. He bit my lower lip hard that it's start bleeding, i tried to push him away but he is far more stronger than me. After getting fully satisfied he pushed me on the bed and got on me. But before he can do anything i beg to him.

"P-Please stop,.....you are not in your sense......you will regret this later, when it's going to get too late...." I cry, my voice come out in a low whisper.

He looked at me then close his eyes and get off from me and without giving a single glance he went out from the room.

I broke into tears....it's hard it's so hard to breathe, my chest is getting up and down i trying to breathe normal but nothing affecting.

"AHHHHHHH..........AHHHHHHH.....WHY? WHY GOD? WHY? whyahhheeeehheeee?" I cry, cry and cry but this time even tears also forgot how to stop.

The weather out was also crying, the thunder feels like helping me by suppressing my voice by its own.

"Ashwatthamahhhhh....why you always left my heart bleeding? It's been soo hard to live like this. When will you understand the love i have for you? Or-Or the misunderstanding between us will never be end? What if this happens? Then how I'm be able to live?...............I will die.....
I WILL DIEEEEEEEEEE" my scream fill the whole Room, today i thought everything will be great, I will start a happy life with Ashwatthama but now.....now everything feels soo Broken & Incomplete......

{ “I want you to know that you were the last dream of my soul.” }

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