Matsya & Ashwani Love Story

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We depart from Panchal to Matsya it takes us a day to arrive there but it all feels worth it when you are about to see your family after a long time.

We arrived in the palace, when Rudra walked in front of my Palanquin.

"Mata." He offered me his hand which i gladly took. I got down. I feel kind of nervous after seeing them for so long.

"Mata, you will be fine." Rudra assured. I looked at him and gave him a bright smile.

"Why i won't be fine when my putra is with me." He smiled and take my hand in his and place a kiss on my palm.

"Let's go." I said, soon the drums start playing and I saw them coming out, I was trying so hard not to cry but i failed when Jyestha came in the view with teary eyes and arms opened for me. I run towards him and hugged him tightly, i cried in his arms when I felt the other four also joined the hug.

"I missed you." I whispered while crying.

"We too." Bhrata Arjun said.

"Ishhh stop crying like a baby, you look like a monkey." Bhrata Nakul said with tears in his eyes, as we all broke the hug. I slapped his chest lightly.

"Bhrata Bhima see, he is making fun of me." I complained to Bhrata.

"Nakul don't tease my Rajkumari." Bhrata Bhima said and give a bhrata Nakul a playful punch on his back.

"Nakul you make Raja Vrikodar angry." Bhrata Sahadev said while suppressing his tears with laugh we all do when suddenly bhrata Nakul and Sahadev pulled me into a tight hug and they place there head on each of my shoulder and the rest immediately join and this time they all broke into tears.

It take few time to calm ourselves. And we broke the hug and slightly start laughing.

"I love you all."

"We love you too."

"If this Bhai behen Milan is over then humse bhi mil lo." Draupadi Jiji said from behind me. I turn around to her and Subhadra jiji and pulled them in a group hug.

"Jiji, I missed you alot." I told them. Subhadra jiji placed her hand on hair and caressed.

"We also missed you." Draupadi jiji said and kissed my forehead.

"Where is my Rudra?" Subhadra jiji asked.

"I will first tell, me where are my Abhimanyu and Upapandavas are?" I questioned. When we heard the sound of laughing and giggling from the corner. We looked at the direction only to find them with Rudra talking and teasing each other.

"They are just like us." Bhrata Arjun said and we all agreed.

"Kids are you forget we all are also present here?" Draupadi jiji said graining their attention, they looked at uscand immediately take our blessings. I blessed all of them with pure love.

"Abhi are you not going to introduce me to your soon to be wife?" I asked teasingly only to see a layer of blush form on his cheeks.

"Awwwwww how much blushing you are." I said and Subhadra jiji Chuckled

"Aree mata, don't tease him or else we can be able to differentiate between him and a tomato." Rudra said making us all laugh.

"Accha." Abhimanyu said and start tickling him with the help of Upapandvasa. They looked so happy i just wish their happiness always maintain like this.

"Hey." Bhrata Arjun softly said and side hugged me, i placed my head on his shoulder.

"Okay now let's go in others are waiting inside for you and so the your soon to be daughter in law." Bhrata Nakul said and we all made our way in.

After all the greetings and knowing eachother we sat on the dinning table to eat while Uttara served us the food with the help of dasis. When she started placing ladoo on the plates but she stuck where Abhimanyu was sitting they both were lost in eachother eyes. The rest of the six boys looked at each other while doing the eye talk.

"Abhi...." Rudra called Abhimanyu while the rest of them suppress their laughter.

"Hmm yeah? What happened?" Abhimanyu said in panic while Uttara immediately went to stand on her previous place next to the table looking down hiding her blushing face.

The six of them brust into laughter and we also join them. When Bhrata Arjun Spoke up.

"They are just like you and Ashwattha- -ma, Suhani."

"Really! How Mamashree?" Rudra excitedly Asked. I shook my head at bhrata Arjun but he gave me a smug face.

I gave him a pleasing look but the smug look on his face was not leaving.

"Do you wanna know how they marry each other?" Bhrata again asked with a smirk on his face.

"Soo Ashwatthama is the son of our guru Dronacharya, when our study got completed we returned back to Hastinapur but we stayed outside of Hastinapur." Bhrata told

"Why Pitashree?" Shrut Karma questioned.

"Because we have to perform our weapons art in the playground the next day but gurudev and Ashwatthama stayed at the mahal when Suhani saw him." Bhrata Arjun said

"It was the evening and the sun was almost set, I saw his him by the last rays of sun that was directly falling on him but still due to distance I can't able to see him properly. But the next day in the playground i properly saw his face for the first time." I told them with a smile on my face so do the others.

"And then in the playground they both seek gaze at each other and stare too. And when Ashwatthama greeted everyone and finally looked at her only to get lost in her and that got everyone's attention." Bhrata Sahadev said and the kids make a 'o' sound.

"There was a funny fight happened between bhrata Bhima and Ashwatthama when we were at exile we entered in a illusionary forest of ogers due to Ashwatthama behind us but he also entered behind Suhani-" i cut off bhrata Nakul in the middle

"Even after knowing that the forest was illusionary and ogers lives that but without caring about his life he came for me." I said and the kids gasap and bhrata Nakul continue

"Yeah so where I was?" He asked

"That Pitashree entered in the forest behind mata." Rudra told

"Thanks kid. So yeah, bhrata Arjun put his Angvastra on ground for mata and Jyestha told Suhani to rest as well so bhrata Bhima placed his Angvastra on the ground and so do Ashwatthama and that's when they start fighting like a child and after that Suhani take my Angvastra and placed that on the ground throwing both of their Angvastra on their faces." He said and everyone brust into laughter but I looked down in embarrassment. Oh god I have to face this embarrassment till the end of the story.

{ "Life is too short to not laugh and make memories with the people you love." }

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