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"Mother, Can I also go with my Bhrata? They all are leaving me or Jiji here." I said with an angry pout.

"Nhi putri you can't, now you only can meet them after they return from Gurukul." She said as tears are coming from my eyes non-stop able.

"Now let's see them for one last time before they go away." Mother said and I just ran to meet them one last time. I reached near the door of the palace and called loudly. "Bhrata" those one hundred and five turned towards me and I ran and hugged each of them for once.

After giving me a lot of sympathy, they all boarded the chariot but my five Bhrata ran to me and took me in their arms. "Suhani, take care of yourself and mata," said the Jyestha. "Don't stop eating due to the sadness of my departure," said Bhrata Bhima, but Bhrata Nakul laughed and said, "But don't eat so much that you become like Bhrata Bhima." And just then Bhrata Nakul got a punch from Bhrata Bheem "ahhhh I was joking." Bhrata Nakul shout and we laugh.

"Okay, that's enough, let's go now." Jyestha said they all went in the chariot.

I didn't move from there until their is chariot disappeared from my sight. Jiji came closer to me and started crying in her arms. "I will wait for you" I said in my mind.



"Pitamaha stop!" A girl yelled,The sound of her anklets was echoing throughout the palace, her dupatta was flying in the wind and without caring about anything she just came to her Pitamaha.

"Putri Suhani, I know why you have come here. Don't worry, your brother will reach here tomorrow." Said Pitamaha, she nodded her head and went from there.


"A sigh came out of my mouth, I mean, when will my Bhrata come back? Years have passed, really, if I find Guru Dronacharya or his son, then the first thing I will ask is, I mean, really, did he teach them for so many years or is it just his plane to keep them away from me? there was a conspiracy to"

"Suhani!" a tired voice called me.

"jiji what happened why are you running like that"

She took a deep breath, "Today our Bhrata are staying in a tent outside Hastinapur", "But why?" I asked, "Because Guru Dronacharya said so, they all will show their weapons skill in the Rang bhoomi tomorrow."

"And there is one more thing, today Guru Dronacharya will stay here in the palace along with his son Aswatthama."

Before I could say anything, a dasi took Jiji with her because mata Gandhari were calling her.

I stood on the balcony of my room looking towards the entrance of the palace.

The sun started setting and I am waiting for Guru Dronacharya with the last rays of that sun but he is not able to come.
Because I don't know why but I feel that someone very close to me, very special to me is coming with him.

A sigh came out of my mouth, I turned to go inside my room, then songs started playing, as soon as I turned again, Guru Dronacharya entered the palace.

With the last rays of the sun, a man riding a white horse wearing orange Angavastra and dhoti with rudraksha armlets tied on his arms entered the palace with a divine glory on his face. My breathing stopped after seeing him, I could not take my eyes off him, my heart started beating fast.

I don't know how but he realised that I was staring at him.


I don't know but I feel that someone is staring at me. My gaze is straight towards the balcony of one of the rooms as if I already know that someone is watching me from there.

There was a girl standing there, due to darkness and distance I couldn't see much but her eyes were shining even in the last rays of the sun. She suddenly ran inside the room.


"He caught me staring at him, what will he think about me ahhhhhhh this is so shameful, now how will I be able to face him? God, may this earth burst and I get absorbed in it." I said in hope but nothing happens.

"Mother says I am a part of Goddess Parvati, then Mata Parvati why did you make me like this? Why am I so afraid to express my feelings to anyone or to do any new work or to meet a new person? I repeatedly tell myself that nothing will happen if I express my feelings, talk with a new person or open up in front of someone."

I slid down and sat on the ground, placed both my arms on my knees, placed my head on them, tears started flowing from my eyes and without realising it I fell asleep crying.

{ "Introverts avoid a lot of people to protect their emotional health, they know it's wisdom, not a weakness." }

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