~Abhimanyu and Uttara's wedding~

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"Bhrata Bhima, Kahna, these laddus aren't for you, but for Mahadev." I said and took the plate of laddus from bhrata Bhima's hands which i made for Bhagwan Shiv.

"Suhani you know that i love laddu very much." Bhrata Bhima said still staring laddus like by staring them they automatically go in his mouth.

"Nhi bhrata aap kuch bhi kehe lijiye perantu ye laddu to aapko Puja ke baad hi milenge and you too Kahna." I said grabbing the hand of Kahna who was trying to stole laddus.

"Per ussme to bahot samaye hai, pehle vivha or phir Puja." Kahna said while they both started giving me puppy eyes.

"Sorry, but this is not going to work." I said while taking the laddus from there to the Puja room, i placed the laddus in front of lord Shiv and pray.

"Mahadev bless my family & Protect them from everything."

"He will don't worry."

"Bhrata Arjun." I said looking at the person.

"I know you are worried about the upcoming yudh, Priye." He said while placing his hand on my head.

"Bhrata let's not talk about that today. Today is a special day and I want to be only happy without thinking about future which is not in my hands but Mahadev's." I said glancing at Mahadev then bhrata Arjun.

"I know and everything will be gonna alright." He said hugging me, i hugged him back after a few minutes later we broke the hug.

"Let's go buashree your Abhi is ready don't you wanna see him?" He said

"Jii Pitashree." I replied and we both brust into laughter.

"Let's go."

We went from puja ghar to Abhimanyu's chamber which was already filled by people.

"Oh my god is this a chamber or Market? This much crowded." I said grabbing their attention as all the kids, Bhratas, Kahna, Jijis and Ashwatthama present there with Maharaj.

"Buashree." Abhi came infront of me i looked at him he looked so good and cute. I took kajal from my eyes and put it behind his ear.

"What is it for bua?" He asked

"Your mata did the same at my wedding for protection. And my Abhi is looking greater so i don't wanna take risks." I said placing my hand on his cheeks.

"Mata, today is Abhimanyu wedding that doesn't mean you only pamper him. We are also here." Rudra said and the Upapandavas agreed.

"Haan Buashree aap hume to bhul hi Gaye." Sutasoma said.

"Aree aise kaise bhul gayi? Mera herek baccha aaj bahot pyaara lag raha hai.'" I said and take them all in a group hug.

After broking the hug and taking about other things jijis and i went to Uttara's chamber to see if she is ready.

"Oh my god jiji, look at Uttara she looks soo pretty." I said adoring her, Uttara is actually a very beautiful girl and the wedding dress make her more pretty.

"Hmm, nazar na lage." Draupadi jiji said.

"Putri, give me your hand." Subhadra jiji said and Uttara did. Jiji slide beautiful gold bangles in her hands.

"Wow mata, these bangles are soo beautiful." Uttara adorably said

"Not more than you." Jiji said and she blushed

"Ohh hooo blushing hmm." I said

"Abhimanyu gonna faint by seeing her." Draupadi jiji said

"I think he can't able to take his eyes off from her." I said and she blushed harder this time.

"Oh god stop teasing my Putri." Subhadra jiji said

"Abhimanyu is too shy to look at her for more than two minutes.'' Subhadra jiji said teasing Uttara as well and we three laughed at her now tomato face.

After all the things we finally entered in the great chamber where everyone was already present and just waiting for Uttara. Maharani was making Uttara sit next to Abhimanyu and the the Vivah started.

Then the phere started and we all Started thew the flowers petals on Abhimanyu and Uttara. When Ashwatthama who was standing beside me threw petals on me.

"Ashwatthama." I said and he just chuckled.

"Now from today you are husband and wife." The pandit ji declared them husband and wife.

"Now take blessings of your elders."

They took blessings from us and I kissed their forehead and blessed them for their new marriage life.

"Now let's go to the Puja chamber. I prepared everything there with the help of Maharani." I said and everyone agreed.

We made our way to puja gahar and Pandit ji start puja and we do arti first Maharaj and Maharani then Abhimanyu and Uttara then jiji and Jyestha then all the bhratas then Ashwatthama and I then kahna and Rudra then Upapandavas.

"Now the new vadhu give prasad to all the people present here." Pandit ji said and Uttara start distributing the prasad and as i already knew bhrata Bhima and Kahna took two-two laddus, they were taking more but Draupadi jiji stopped them and i laughed when they got scolded only to received glares by them.

"Now Abhimanyu, Uttara, you both must be very tired you both go and rest.'' Kahna told them and they nodded their head before leaving they both looked shy.

"Now kids you all also go and sleep, okay." I told them they tried to protest but Draupadi jiji send them to their chambers.


After a chinwag we elders had in the great chamber, we also went to our room as tomorrow Ashwatthama, Rudra and I will be departure for Panchal because tomorrow Pitashree and Matashree will be coming there.

"Ufff! Such a tiring day!" I huff before popping on the bed next to Ashwatthama who was already changed in his nightdress.

"You must be really tired today." Ashwatthama said taking me in his arms putting my head on his chest and i wrapped my hand around his chest to neck.

"Hmm and moreover the jewellery was too heavy so do the dress." I complaint and he chuckled.

"I can't do anything in that case then because it's women's problem why they need to wore all that heavy things? If I was a woman i would never wore that kind of stuff." He said

"What do you mean by our problem? We do this because it makes us look pretty." I defend

"Suhani, then you really don't need that because you are born beautiful." He said making me blush, I hide my face in his chest and he let out a soft laugh.

"You are soo cute." He complimented.

"Ashwatthama, I am really sleepy let's sleep okay. Good night, love." I said and quickly pecked his lips and close my eyes.

"Good night, i love you." He kissed my hair and we both fell asleep in each other's arms.

{ "A soul mate is not the person who makes you the happiest, but the one who makes you feel the most, who conducts your heart to bang the loudest, who can drag you giggling." }

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