After a long time

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We entered inside, it was all dark not even a single ray of sun was entering. We were walking in.

"Bhrata I'm not feeling good about this place." I said to bhrata Arjun who was beside me.

"Don't worry." He calmed me

"Sahadev, that way." Said Jyestha we all walked closely A few minutes later we stopped because we were surrounded by big trees

"Main ye paidh hi ukhad deta hu." Said Bhrata Bhima and threw the tree aside and turn to us

"Even not a single ray of sunlight is coming." Bhrata Nakul said walking and looking around.

We nod when bhrata Bhima said.

"I think Ashwatthama went away by now, now we should leave this forest as well."

He turn back.

"I- i just threw this tree right?" He asked again grabbing our attention.

"From where we enter in the forest?" He asked again before any of us can give an answer, voice of footsteps coming. Bhrata Arjun pulled me Behind him and Jyestha covered mata.

I can't able to see who it is as bhrata is taller than me, but I can hear gasaps from everyone.

"You?" Said Bhrata Bhima in shocked.

I slightly come out from the behind of Bhrata to only get shocked by seeing Ashwatthama in front of my eyes.

"Ashwatthama!" I whispered to myself but he heard me because he looked at he then looked at the ground realisation hit me I was not wearing my dupatta i was again about to hide behind bhrata when he stops me.

"Wait! your dupatta." He said handing it to me still looking at other side i took it and wore it now I was standing between Bhrata Arjun and Ashwatthama.

"Now tell me what are you doing here?" Bhrata Bhima asked

"Well first of all it's my kingdom- " bhrata Bhima cut him off

"Yeah which we give to you-" Ashwatthama cut him off

"Because it was your duty as a student." Ashwatthama said their argument stop when Jyestha Said.

"Now enough!.....Bhima." He gave a warning look to bhrata

"And as a friend of Suhani it's my duty to protect her."

He said making me blush, I bite my lip and look at him.

"Oh so that's the real reason but we can take care of our sister, she doesn't need your help." Said Bhrata Nakul

"Oh really that's why you take her in the forest of ogres." He said making us all silent.

"What?" Bhrata Sahadev Said being in a shock like me.

"Hmm" Ashwatthama said in a tone.

"Well we know" said Bhrata Arjun said passing a smile at bhrata Yudhishthir.

"But how?" Asked Bhrata Nakul.

"This is an illusory forest, Nakul. Illusory." Said Bhrata Arjun.

"Many years ago, Pitamaha had defeated the ogre Hidimb, and had instructed all the ogres to never leave their forest." Said Jyestha

"And had also made a promise that bhartiya will never step in their place, since then ogres turn this forest into an illusory one. Without the permission of the king of the ogres humans can enter this forest but cannot find a way out.

"And our gurudev had told us about it. Instead of paying attention to your reflection in gurukul. Had you paid attention to gurudev's lectures you would not have asked all these questions." Said bhrata Arjun and went to his direction and ruffled his hair I let out a laugh so do other I feel a stare, I look at my beside only to find Ashwatthama deeply looking at me. A pink tint form on my cheeks.

{ " I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more." }

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