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"Ashwa-" he didn't let me complete and pinned me at the tree leaving no distance between no gap our chest were attached with each other. I gasp at his sudden action. I look up at his face his eyes showing anger.

"What are you doing here alone? Do you forget this is an illusory forest. What if an Ogre catches you?." He asked, our lips are almost touching. My graze fell on his lips then again in his eyes.

"Ashwatthama." I whisper, the realisation hit him he got on a safe distance from me and looked down.

"I umm I'm sorry. But you shouldn't come here." He said again looking in my eyes.

"I heard a crying voice so i thought to check who it is." I said biting my lips and looking down at nervousness. When I feel his hand softly gripping my jaw and made me looked at him.

"You can ask me to come with you." He said softly

"I don't want to bother you or anyone." I said

"You can never bother me." He said making my heart faster. He doesn't know how much I'm waiting for him to confess to me.

"Let's go now, together." He said grabbing my hand in his, i nod we start walking towards the voice as soon as we reached i saw a girl crying sitting on a rock. I was about to go to her when Ashwatthama stopped me.

"Who are you and what are you doing here in the illusory forest?" He asked hiding me a bit behind his back.

"Me and my family stuck in this forest the ogres eat my whole family but i somehow escaped." She said and start crying. When I said.

"Don't worry come with us my mata and Bhratas are here also." I said grabbing her hand we start walking back as soon we reached i saw a tree in Bhrata Bhima hand and other were also looking at me, before he can ask me something the girl comes in the view making bhrata Bhima pause in the same position till bhrata Arjun said.

"You can leave the tree now bhrata." He said making us all leave a small laugh or chuckle.

"And where were you and Ashwatthama and-" bhrata Bhima cut Bhrata Arjun off.

"Who is she?" He asked......oh god my bhrata is in love, i thought. I look at Ashwatthama to tell because i know I will get scolded.

"Suhani heard someone's crying voice, she went there alone without telling anyone. When my sleep Break I saw she was not at her place, so i went to check on her only to find her alone in this dark forest. Then we find this Devi and now we are here." He said leaving the part how he asked me not to do this again.

"How can you go by yourself, you can ask any of us Rather than someone outsider." Said Bhrata Bhima giving a glare to Ashwatthama.

"Bhrata please not now and i don't want to bother any of you and Ashwatthama just help me." I said looking at Bhrata Bhima then Ashwatthama.

"Hmm Bhima you shouldn't said this. He just help our sister." Said Jyestha.

"Putri who are you and what are you doing in this forest all by yourself ?" Mata asked.

She told us about herself but still she didn't told her name making me suspicious before I can ask her mata order us to get going from here. We start walking I was behind with Ashwatthama.

"She still didn't told her name yet." I whisper to him, he nod.

"Yeah, I was also feeling something is not right." He said looking at the girl who was having eye contact with Bhrata Bhima then me.

"By the i guess your bhrata is blind because seeing everyone face i can feel they also feel something strange but seeing your bhrata face i only see how stupid he is." He said making a face.

"He is not stupid but he is just so kind that he can't see any bad about others." I said smiling.

"Yeah, only for others because when it comes to me or Karna, I don't know where his kindness goes." He said, i now he is right bhrata said alot bad things to him and bhrata Karna. I look at his face he was looking down, I took a deep breath and nervously grab his hand. He surprisingly looks at me, his eyes become calm as soon her looks in mine. Our eyes contact broke with a cough.

"Are you going to stare in eachother eyes or going to eat." Said Bhrata Nakul.

I looked down there was a lot of fruits, I was about to ask him but i guess they already read my mind because bhrata Arjun said.

"When you were lost in your own world." He said and Bhratas laugh except Bhrata Bhima, who was glaring at Ashwatthama. I look down and sit beside mata, Ashwatthama was about to sit beside me when bhrata Bhima push him and sit next to me. Ashwatthama pass him a glare and sit on the empty seat that was infront of me and between the girl and bhrata Nakul. The girl was infront of Bhrata Bhima now they start having food eating compitition. I and Ashwatthama look at each other then back to them, we leave it and start having our food and finishing I look at Ashwatthama who was already looking at me with a smile, I look down blushing when I heard loid Burps. I look up at Bhrata Bhima and that girl.

She doesn't eat like a normal human. Something is not right about her which I have to find out. My graze fell on Bhrata Arjun who nods at Jyestha. Do they know something? Was the only thought in my mind.

{ "Truth is, I'll never know all there is to know about you just as you will never know all there is to know about me." }

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