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I ran in the corridors to find bhrata after searching him for a while, I saw him coming from my front with Bhrata Karna, Bhrata Dushasan and Ashwatthama. I ran to him.

"Bhrata" i called him.

"Suhani, what are you doing here? Why are you running?" He ask

"Bhrata come with me" i said only looking at him no one else.

"But-" he tries to protest by i stop him.

"Please, it's important" I said at which he just nod, i grab his hand at take him in the garden.

"What happen behna, why are you looking soo tense?" He ask

"I heard from Dushala jiji what happen in Raj sabha." I said at which he get nervous.

"Bhrata after a long time i have all my bhratas with me i don't want to lose anyone of you, you know that i love you all equally right that's why I'm talking with you about this without any hesitation right?" I ask at which he nod his head he wipe the tear away from my eyes which I also don't know was flowing.

"Trust me I'm doing this for our good, and i always love and protect you." He said and take me in a hug which i gladly return.

"So are you still going to fight with Maharaj Draupad?" I ask.

"Hmm, because it's What gurudev wants and as being his students we have to give him whatever he wants." He said making me understand so I nod.

"Okay, okay now alot of talk, tell me what is between you and Mitra Ashwatthama?" He ask with a smirk making my eyes wide.

"Haan, Hume bhi Janna hai " I turned back only to see Jyestha ,bhrata Nakul, brata Sahadev, bhrata Bhima, Bhrata, Arjun, Bhrata Karna, Bhrata Dushasan who asked and Ashwatthama who eyes are also wide like me.

"Who told you that there is between me and Ashwatthama" i asked nervously

"Who else Mitra Ashwatthama said himself" brata said, making me look at Ashwatthama in shock.

"But Mitra I never said anything like this" he replied fast.

" Even we never gonna let you think about something like this." Said Bhrata Bhima in warning tone.

"Even if you do i myself never want to be with someone whose intention are to harm my bhratas." I said and went away from there giving a last glance at Ashwatthama who is shock with my sudden mention.

"Suhani!" Bhrata Arjun call me from behind "Suhani wait, listen to me. Suhani!" He grabbed my hand from behind and turned me towards him and wiped my tears, I hugged him tightly and cried in his arms.

"Shhh don't cry we are always with you and about that Ashwatthama, I know whatever he tries to do is not forgivable for you but- but try because it's hurting you." He said i broke the hug and look at him.

"Why would this hurt me? we don't know eachother properly and telling him he is wrong would hurt me." I said looking in his eyes, he were about to say something but stop as we heard Jyestha coming from behind us.

"Are you okay" he asked placing his hand on my head, I nod.

"Hmm" I said

"We will go Tomorrow for Panchala" said bhrata Bhima coming with Bhrata Nakul and Sahadev.

"Tomorrow!" I asked

"Hmm so take care of yourself we will come back in few days after winning the fight" bhrata Nakul said

"But what if something happen to you" I said looking at them.

"Don't worry about us but I can't take guaranty of Nakul's face" said bhrata Bhima jokingly making bhrata Nakul get tensed.

"WHAT!" Bhrata Nakul yell making us put our hands on are ears.

"Nakul he is just teasing you" said Jyestha.

"Nhin Jyestha, i heard Maharaj Draupad likes to destroy the faces of most handsome mans." Said Bhrata Arjun teaming up with Bhrata Bhima.

"Don't tease my bhrata" I said and hug him. "You will still look good" i said containing my laugh but he caught me.

"Hmm udha lo udha lo jitna mazak udhana hai udha lo" he said with a pout but we all hug him after broke our group hug we went in Jyestha room and do Masti the rest of day even eat food their together and sleep together.

{ " A bond that lasts a lifetime and is filled with laughter, love, and endless memories." }

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