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We all stop laughing when we saw a tear fall from mata's eyes. Bhrata Arjun Went to her.

"Mata, why are you crying again." He asked, mata looked at him and smiled.

"These are the tears of my joy, Arjun. Even in these difficult times seeing all of you laugh makes me so proud of my children." She said in a calm and sweet voice making my heart melt. Mata always knows how to comfort their children, we all smile at her and a tear falls from my eyes without me knowing, when a cold hand wipes it away making me flinch softly I look at my side, a smile placed on Ashwatthama's lips. I pass him a small smile.

"Difficult times? Mata, time can never be difficul. When man forgets to smile does time seem difficult. You should rest now, mata." Bhrata said, he made mata sit on the large rock and place his Angavastra on the ground.

"Suhani, come here you also must be tired." Said Jyestha, I nod bhrata Bhima take off his Angavastra and place on the ground next to bhrata Arjun's when Ashwatthama took off his Angavastra and place against brata Bhima's again the bickering and staring compitition start.

"She will sleep on my Angavastra." Said Bhrata Bhima throwing Ashwatthama's Angavastra on him.

"No way your is muddy, she will sleep on my Angavastra." Said Ashwatthama throwing bhrata Bhima's Angavastra on him they both again place their Angavastra on ground still snatching each others. I sigh knowing they will never stop. I go to bhrata Nakul and asked.

"Bhrata give me your Angavastra." He gave me his Angavastra.

"Move you both." I said and take their Angavastra from the ground and throw on them and place bhrata Nakul's Angavastra on the ground.

"I will sleep in bhrata Nakul's Angavastra." I said and stand beside Bhrata Sahadev. He glup seeing anger look on my face.

"But how can we think of sleep at the first place. We should defeat get out of this place first." Said Bhrata Nakul.

"We can't as i said it is a illusory forest-". Bhrata Bhima cut off Bhrata Arjun in the middle and said.

"Then I must kill that king of ogres first, then we will get out of this forest, let's go." Said Bhrata Bhima.

"Bheem! We will not be able to find them here. This is an illusory forest, Illusory." Said Jyestha, stopping him.

"But we shall certainly meet them. That is why, quit worrying and rest now, bhrata Bhima." Said bhrata Arjun

"I don't understand you." Bhrata Bhima asked.

"These ogres are man-eaters Bhima. I. Other words they devour us humans." Said Jyestha

"The way you always find a way to your ladoos. They are bound to find us. We are their meal." Bhrata Arjun said making me chuckle. I put my head on Bhrata Sahadev's shoulder hugging his arm.

"But you need not to get frightened bhrata Bhima. I will protect you." Bhrata Nakul said making us all laugh soo hard, I even sit on the ground laugh, seeing me on the floor all Bhratas start tickling me.

"Ple-please stophhhhh aaaa pleaseeeee, mata hel-p, hey bhagwan" I pleased

They all stop before I lost my last breath. I stood up and took some deep breath. Today they plan to kill me by tickling, i thought In my mind when I heard a chuckle, I look at the direction, Ashwatthama controlling his laugh. A sensation happens in my stomach, i look down blushing in embarrassment.

We all sleep on the ground. I was between mata and Bhrata Arjun and Ashwatthama saw laying beside Bhrata Bhima and most funny thing is bhrata hugging him like a baby. I can't be able to fall sleep when I heard a crying voice of a girl. I get up and look around but find no one. I decide to follow the video, i don't want to disturb anyone so i decide to go alone as i was walking the forest was getting deeper. When I felt a hand on my shoulder from behind my whole body frize. I breath hitched. I turn around to see who is it.

{ "Give me happiness in a smile and nothing of certainty but the way we make eachother feel." }

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