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I see jiji standing in the corner with a sad face. So i went to her.

"Jiji." I called her she comes out of her own world and looked at me a huge smile form on her lips.

"Suhani." She said and about to hug me tightly. When a voice stopped her and everyone's attention fell on us.

"What happen Panchal Raj?" Dau asked as everyone looked at us confused

"Hmm Ashwatthama, why did you stop Rajkumari Subhadra." Bhrata Duryodhana asked curiously.

I pass Ashwatthama a awkward look. "You need to announce now!" I asked him through my eyes more likely telling him not to say a word.

"Actually Suhani....Suhani.." Ashwatthama cut off in the between by bhrata Karna.

"You are making us tensed now." He said looking worriedly at me then Ashwatthama. My heart melt seeing him worry for me. It's actually been a long time since we talked with each other properly as he got busy with his life and I got busy in my life.

"Putri are you Alright?" Mata Asked worriedly.

"Suhani you should tell them don't make them too much worry for you." Kahna tease.

"Actually she is Pregnant!" Ashwatthama said and everyone's jaw drop. A smile crack on their faces. Everyone give me blessings.

Kahna come beside me and whispered.

"Hmm hmm i become Mamashree." He said and i blushed and slap his arm.

"Ouch!" What is that for." He groan.

"For teasing me." I said and go to jiji.

"Everyone it's already got late at night and I need some rest so me and Ashway are going in our room." I said taking Ashwatthama's hand in mine dragging him to my room which is our now.

"Must say your room is beautiful but not more then you." Ashwatthama said back hugging me i blush and look down.

"Stop being cheesy. Well here every room is beautiful but mine is just a bit extra, Because Dau has made this room specially for me." I said with a grin on my face.

Ashwatthama kiss my cheek and broke the hug.

"Okay now let's sleep or tomorrow we will be the late one here." He said and we both lay on the bed cuddling.


The next day we all started preparing for the wedding. I have come with Subhadra jiji for daan to the temple sages as per Kahna's request.

First we did puja, then when we went to give daan, I was stunned because brother Arjun was also sitting there.

I went to jiji who was looking freak out. I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Jiji, Don't worry bhrata Arjun will come and take you out from this situation." I said trying to calm her, she sigh and pass me a small smile. I hug her and kiss her forehead.

"you daan there, I will daan here." I said send Jiji to Bhrata, hope she acknowledges him.

After giving daan i went to jiji who was talking with Bhrata.

"Bhrata Krishna ne kaha hai ki aapko Rajmahal mei Lana hai, come with us sage." She said to bhrata, Wait she didn't recognise him.

"Suhani, let's go." Jiji said coming towards me. I nod my head and jiji start walking towards palanquin. I walk slow to catch up with Bhrata.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered to him.

"Madhav said me to come Dwarka when my exile was about to complete." He whispered back and I nod my head knowing Kahna must be planned something already.

"You know how much jiji was worried let me tell her." I said and about to go but bhrata grab my hand.

"I swear to you that you won't tell him anything." Bhrata said, i try to protest but he ignores it. After few minutes of silence he again ask.

"How are you? How's the baby?" Bhrata Arjun asked looking at then my stomach.

"We both are absolutely great." I said with a smile on my lips and place my hand on my tummy. He give me a huge smile.

"Suhani, you are soo slow." Jiji said coming towards me.

"What! How?" I asked dramatically placing my hand on my chest, showing that i am hurt.

"Oh drama Queen i don't have a whole day I have to get ready for....for....." sje cut herself off in the middle and sigh. Then look in my eyes with her teary ones.

"And Your bhrata did't arrived as you said and i know he will not why would he

"Your brother did not come as you said he would but he did not come.And why would he come, he has already married twice in exile." Jiji said with a heart broken chuckled.

"Jiji...." I whispered.

"Nobody cares about me, Nobody cares what I want." Jiji whispered yell but I know how broken she is by Dau's decision. I hug her tightly she hugs me back after few minutes she brake the hug. Giving me a small smile I can see how sad she is behind this smile.

"Let's go." She said and i nod.

As Kahna had said, we entered the palace from the back door. As soon as we got down, Kahna was standing there. Jiji started going inside without saying anything. Then Kahana started speaking. Jiji's feet froze after listening to her.

"Subhadree." Kahna calls jiji. Jiji looked at him and greet him.

"Pranipaat bhrata."

"I don't understand one thing what's the problem of these bhratas always interfere in their sister's love life first bhrata Bhima and now Dau. Like seriously they think if they don't interfere then the marriage will be incomplete." I thought in my mind making a face when Kahna look at me raising his eyebrows. I pass him a innocent smile and went to stand beside Bhrata Arjun and tug his hand. He look at me then again focus on the brother-sister duo in front of us. More likely on jiji with guilty eyes.

"Bless you, Bhadre." Kahna said coming infornt of jiji. But jiji turn to go inside. When Kahna said

"Are you angry with your own brother? It looks as though even Parth is very Angry." Jiji eyes shine at the name of bhrata. She looked up at Krishna who smile and nod his head.

{ "Don't let the scars on your heart define the way you love" }

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