Baby Arrive

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I start getting in my senses. I softly open my eyes and close again due to the ray of sun after a few minutes of adjusting the light, i open my eyes fully and look around only to find my surrounded by my female family members. Mata Kripi was sitting beside my bed talking with mata and Rajmata on the other hand Draupadi jiji and Subhadra jiji were talking standing on some distance, they all were looking tensed. I closed my eyes trying to recall memories of what happened when realisation hit me. I shoot open my eyes and try to move from the bed only to feel the pain rush through my whole body, i yelp and shut my eyes tightly.

"Putri!" Mata Kripi said and placed her hand on my head.

I looked at them, all of their attention was now on me, looking at me with tension.

"Putri you should rest." Mata said coming on my other side sitting on the bed placing her hand on my cheek.

"Ma-Mata, my baby where is he? Is he alright? Mata please tell me. Mata nothing happened to him right?" I asked, the thought of something happened to my child is horrifying me to death.

"Vatsya, the baby is all fine and safe, he is with Your bhratas." Rajmata said it made me feel relieved.

"Or tumhe putra hua hai!" Subhadra jiji and Draupadi jiji said together in a super happy and excited tone.

There was a pause before I burst in the happy tears. Mata Kripi hugged me and caressed my hair.

I sniffed in her embrace and asked

"Mata apka Putra kahan hai?" I asked to mata Kripi but when she didn't reply i broke the hug and looked at her with confused face.

"Kya hua mata?" I asked.

"He- He is at the Shiv mandir praying for you to get up." Mata told her voice was cracking.

"It's good he is praying then why are your voice is cracking?" I asked but no one replied me, i grab the sheet of bed nervously.

"Jiji atleast you tell me what happened?" I asked when Draupadi jiji told me.

"Panchalraj take a oath that till you not wake up he will burn his hands in the heat of Diya." Jiji told me making gasap in shock.

"What! Why!?" I asked more like scream

"Because he said it's his fault that he push you and that's why your water broke." Mata said

"It's nonsense! Nothing happened to me because of Ashwatthama he just lightly put my hand off from his hand only because he was just angry on me because I made a mistake and it happens because I was in my last month." I said trying to make an excuse well some part was real.

"Don't lie the Raj vaidya told us it happened because you took too much stress and the push also caused you to give birth like this." Draupadi jiji said with fire voice. I shook my head knowing that i can't change their minds and moreover right now i need to go to Ashwatthama.

I got off from the bed, the pain was unbearable but right now i just know the I need to stop Ashwatthama. This man is such a pain in arse, like what will happen if he will burn his hands. Is this going to make me feel happy? no. On the contrary, I am troubled by this and worried for him.

I walked out of the room and make my way to the temple while mata and Jiji were calling me from behind.

When I bumped into my brothers in the corridor, I started moving ahead without paying any attention to them. Then I heard a soo soft and light giggles from behind. My steps stopped right there. I looked back and saw there he was lying so small in Jyesth's hands with closed eyes and a small ghost smile. My eyes blur I can't able to see him so i rubbed my eyes removing the tears that were stoping me to see my putra. He got his Pitashree's features.

I was yearning to hold him in my hands but I took my steps back towards the Shiv temple but this time with a heavy heart. I ran as fast as I could to bring my son's father. The pain in my body was nothing compared to the pain in my heart.

My tears were not stopping, my breaths were becoming heavy and deep, now I just had to go to my Ashwatthama.

As soon as I reached in front of the temple I took a deep breath and then stepped inside the temple. Ashwatthama was burning both his hands in the flame of the Diya. His whole body was trembling and I knew why he was trembling not because of the pain of burning hands but because of the anger he had on himself. His back was facing me, so I made my way towards him and placed my both hands under his hands protecting his hands from burning. He flinched at the touch of our hands as his wounds hurt. But he immediately took my hands off from the diya and blew my palm.

"Are you stupid?! What if your hands got burnt?!" He said showing pure care and anger at the same time.

"You feel hurt when I put my hands only for seconds, then you think how much it hurts me when you are burning your hands god knows from how long. Just look at your hands. Oh god! They are bleeding. come with me to Raj vaidya."

I said and dragged him with me to our Chamber and told the Dasi to bring Raj vaidya.

"Did you take our baby in your arms?" I asked him while carefully washing the blood off from his hands.

"Nhin, i went to the mandir before the baby can be born, you?" He asked, i shook my head.

"Why?" He asked

"Because you were in pain and I want to hold my Putra with you." I said while wiping the tears off from his eyes and kissing his both hands.

"I love you, Ashwatthama." I said staring deep in his eyes

"I love you too, Suhani." He said and took me in a kiss.

{....."In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours.".....}

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