Raja Vrikodar

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When Hidimba fell on her bhrata's legs and begged to leave Bhrata Bhima.

"No Hidimb, listen to me, do not kill him. Listen-listen to me."

Hidimb grabs her by her neck and throws her aside. Her head hurt because of being hit by the wall. I go to her.

"Are you okay, please don't go between them. Trust my bhrata he is not a normal human he is divine." I said she looked at me and nervously nodded her head. When we went and stand back, I stand next to Ashwatthama and she stand next to mata.

"She really loves your bhrata." Ashwatthama whispered to me, I nod my head when bhrata Arjun said.

"Bhrata Bhima, go on. The raja awaits to make you his meal."

"Arjun..., sons, all of you should also aid Bhima." Mata worried said

"Don't worry, mata. Go ahead, raja Hidimb. I await to make your meal." Bhrata Bhima said

The all ogres start attacking when Hidimb stops them.

"Stop! Only i will fight this giant man. All hail lord Vrikodar!" He said, they all start chanting their lord's name.

"Is Vrikodar not your name, Bhima? Raja Hidimb deems you as a god. Now go ahead and offer him some sacrament." Jyestha said with a light smirk.

"As you said, Bhrata." Bhrata Bhima said and the battle starts.

They fought with mace, I was praying to lord Shiva that my bhrata won this battle and he even heard me because Hidimb started getting weak in front of bhrata and after some time bhrata Bhima won the battle by Killing Hidimb. My graze fell on Hidimba She wiped the tears off from her eyes I went to hug her tightly.

"Sometimes letting someone go is better. Your bhrata is now in peace." I said she nodded her head and passed me a weak smile.


After all this mess, finally the environment gets better all the ogres start respecting us and now we are having our food. I was sitting between bhrata Sahadev and Jyestha placing my head on his shoulder.

"Suhani, you know you should eat your food properly while sitting straight." He sweetly told me. He can never be harsh on me I know that.

"Hmm bhrata, I was just tired of all this mess. I want to go to Dwarka, want to meet Subhadra jiji, Rukmini, Dau, Revati and everyone moreover Kahna." I said and sat straight.

"Hmm me too but you know we can't right." Bhrata Sahadev said

"Hmm, I know." I said and again we all started eating. When more food come by Ogres

"Stop. We can't able to eat this much food. We are no longer hungry" Bhrata Nakul said

"How can you say that we are no longer hungry without asking me first?! You know quite well that I feel hungrier after a fight and these measly amount of fruits will not suffice me. Bring more."

"You need not go. I shall go bring some. Do continue eating, your Highness." Hidimba said and went from there.

"Your Highness!, Raja Vrikodar is getting angry, Nakul. Apologise!" Bhrata Arjun playfully said

"Pordon me, Raja Vrikodar. I beg of you, please pordon me." He said making a innocent face

"Fool, you have committed a crime. You shall be punished. You shall be married to an Ogre." Bhrata Sahadev said playing well with them. We all start laughing.

"Sahadev, Nakul, Arjun because quiet." Mata scolds them and i giggle of course getting a glare by three of them.

"And what is with this Raja Vrikodar rant? Let me eat in peace." Bhrata Bhima said being pissed

"Sure, why not go ahead. You will now eat in peace your entire life." Bhrata Nakul said again we all laugh.

"B-But, please do not eat us. All of us are your siblings, Raja Vrikodar." Bhrata Sahadev said joining his hands in front of him placing an act but seeing his acting I know that he wants to get beaten up by bhrata Bhima.

"What are you all saying?" Bhrata Bhima asked being clueless.

"Bhrata Bhima, were you not paying attention when Hidimb's sister said all this? It is the tradition of the Ogres that whoever kills the raja become the next raja." Bhrata Arjun said and bhrata Bhima glup.

"In other words, you are now raja of the ogres region." I said and we all laugh.

"Are they telling the truth, Jyestha?" Bhrata Bhima said looking terrified.

"Yes, Bhima. Hidimba did tell us so." Jyestha said

"Jyestha, will bhrata Bhima have to marry an Ogre now?" I ask knowing bhrata Bhima also has feelings for Hidimba.

"Indeed Suhani, Sahadev, did you not have any promotion?" Bhrata Nakul asked

"This is an auspicious sign and I hear jubilation. And i see bhrata Bhima Bhima getting dressed like Ogres." Bhrata Sahadev said making again us all laugh.
When bhrata Bhima grabs bhrata Nakul in his arms squeezing him and what makes me laugh the most was Ashwatthama who is between them also being Squeezed his face, "Oh god!" I roll on the floor while laughing.

"Stop guys! My stomach is now hurting so bad. Please." I said controlling my self from more laughing. When two ogres soldiers come to us and now in front of bhrata Bhima.

"The lord has ordered you to get married tomorrow at dawn to Rajkumari Hidimba." They said leaving our mouth open wide.

{"You know you are bonded by pure love when no matter how far he is away from you, he still makes you smile." }

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