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"And after that, we will make a sacrifice. And worship the new Raja and Rani." They continue

"Let's leave, mata. Jyestha let's leave." Bhrata Bhima said standing up from his place. He started moving forward but stopped seeing Hidimba in front of him with tears in hear eyes. He looks at her eyes then goes away from there.

"Why is the Raja Vrikodar so angry? Did we make a mistake?" The ogre asked

"No, you have made no mistake. We chanced upon this place during our journey. We did not come here with the intention of ruling this place." Jyestha explained them and i looked at Ashwatthama who was looking at me too.

"If that was the case then, why did you kill our raja. It is our tradition that the ones who kill the raja become the next raja and marry the daughter or sister of the former king. If this does not happen, we will have no raja at all. Be it humans or Ogres traditions are the basis of society. You have no rights to toy with our traditions. Since you have created these problems, you must come up with a solution." they said and went from there, after sometime later we went to Bhrata Bhima he looked angry. Mata and Jyestha were not with us mata went to talk with Hidimba and Jyestha went to something to discuss with Ogres. I took a deep breath and called him.

"Bhrata-" i called him but he snapped.

"WHAT!" I flinch and step backwards

"Why are you yelling at her?" Ashwatthama asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder. And glare at bhrata Bhima

"Yeah! You are right i should not yell at her BUT YOU. IT'S ALL YOUR FALT! we come here because of you!" Bhrata Bhima burst out on Ashwatthama and pushed him on the wall, they started fighting i and Bhratas tried hard to separate them. But they are not listening to us.

"Subani, go call Jyestha!" Bhrata Arjun ordered. I nodded my head and went to search for Jyestha. After a few minutes i found him.

"Jyestha! Jyestha! Come with me please, bhrata Bhima and Ashwatthama get into a fight." I tell him he looked shocked but without wasting time in asking he come with me with some ogres also follow us.

"Bhima! Bhima, stop what you are doing? Leave him." Jyestha said and separated them. I look at Ashwatthama my eyes get blurred because of tears. He got bruises on his lips.

"Jyestha, tell him to leave. Please, tell him." Bhrata Bhima said his voice was cracking. My heart breaks seeing people I love most like this.

"Why will I? I didn't do anything." He said

"Ashwatthama..... please leave." I said my voice was broken and came out like a whisper. He looked at me with a disappointed look in his eyes He looked broke. I want to tell him how much I love him but-but I can't. Everything was fine a few minutes ago but now....

"If this is what you want, then fine." He said and turned to go away from there.

"Wait! Ashwatthama, please don't tell anyone about our existence." Bhrata Arjun said but not getting any answer from him he looked at me. I nod and about to told him when he said.

"I will not." And went from there and at that moment I realised I lost him.....


It's been a year, bhrata Bhima realise that how much Hidimba loves him and how much this is important for the ogres to have their Raja when mata explained him he married to Hidimba and have a putra with her name "Ghatotkach". After that we leave the Ogres forest and start living in panchal but in the forest of it.

"Mata we are going to ask for bhiksha. We will arrive in few hours." Jyestha said and mata nod. They all went out of the hit that we made. After sometime mata went for puja but before going she asked me to bring flowers.

"Mata, I will come soon." I said and went to bring her some fresh flowers.

It's been a few minutes, I have been walking in the Forest not knowing where the path is taking me, when I saw a garden type are where are a lot of flowers plants. I was shocked seeing a beautiful garden in the middle of the forest. But without caring i start picking flowers in my pallu. When I feel a stare on me from the behind.

"What a beautiful Kanya like you doing in the middle of the forest and moreover alone." A voice said from my behind, i flinch and looked back and saw a man he was checking me up to down.

"W-who are you?" I nervously asked.

"Wow just wow after taking flowers from my garden you are asking me who i am?" He said coming closer to me i stepped back.

"Oh I'm so sorry i didn't knew it was your garden." I said trying to explain myself it he didn't stop my back touch with a tree. I look at him with horror his stare feels disgusting. I was about to go from there when he grabs my wrist and push me against the tree hardly.

"What are you doing! Leave me!" I begged.

"Hahahaha, how can I? You look tensed let me help you a bit." He said and about to touch my waist, when someone grab him by his nap from behind.

"Aaaaaaaaa" he yelped as the person threw him on the ground.

{ "You know, a heart can be broken, but it keeps on beating, just the same." }

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