Do i love him?

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"Kahna!" I said looking at him

"Hmm, me." He said with a smile

"No come, jiji is waiting for you." I said grabbing his hand and taking him inside with me, Jiji was sitting in front of Mata Parvati's murti.

"You go I will wait for you outside." I said and he nodded his head, i stepped down from the stairs last time turning back and saw how Jiji admired Kahna.

A smile formed on my lips i went from there giving them their personal space, I went to the horses. I look at the horse and care his head. I sit on the side in the tree's shadow placing my head back at the tree and closing my eyes, his face comes in front of me but I did not open my eyes but stare at him, he makes me happy a sweet smile forms on my lips.

"Ashwatthama!" I whisper

The realisation hit me hard. I open my eyes with heavy breaths. What am I doing? Why am I thinking of him? Before i thought any further Kahna and Jiji arrived, I stood up.

"Suhani on what you want to ride a Chariot or HORSE?" He asked me most likely to ride the horse.

"Of course Kahna you go get on your Chariot with Bhabhi Shree, I will manage on the horse." I said and jiji blushed

"Wow you are soo intelligent." Bhrata said dramatically making me laugh.

I sat on the horse and again went from where we left Bhrata Arjun because that's the way of Dwarka. The ride started again i was silent not because of what's happening now but because what I see is Ashwatthama he is the only thing in my he really that much important to me?. I asked myself.

"Whose thoughts are you lost Suhani?" Krishna asked, I look at him

"W-what do you mean?" I nervesly ask

"Means that you look like you were thinking about someone." He said

"Oh umm i, it's just I'm thinking about Bhrata Arjun he is alone fighting with" I said hoping he believed me.
He didn't ask further just nod his head with a chuckle. The ride was silent till we reached the war point. I looked at Bhrata and to my surprise bhrata Balram was also there helping Bhrata. A smile forms on my lips seeing bhrata safe. I look at Kahna to tell him that I want to go to Bhrata He nods his head before i can say anything. Without another thought I go to bhrata as I went there, Rukmi went towards Kahna and jiji.

I get off from my horse.

"Bhrata are you good? Did you get hurt?" I asked, he gave me a smile and placed his hand on my head.

"Don't worry I'm fine and moreover Bhrata Balram is also here, so." He said and I nod knowing he is right.

"Now let's see what is going on there between Madhav and Rukmi." Bhrata said i again sit on my horse. As we reached we saw Rukmi on the ground and jiji stopping Kahna to not kill her Bhrata, Kahna fulfilled her wish but bald Rukmi as a punishment and again we started our journey leaving Rukmi behind to Dwarka.

It's being days and I'm still in Dwarka, bhrata Arjun already departure for Hastinapur a day after Kahna's wedding but Kahna stop me by saying i should spend some more time in Dwarka and I agree because Subhadra jiji said she will be alone if I go like this but tomorrow I will leave for varnavat directly it's a surprise for mata and Bhratas because they don't know that i am coming not even in Hastinapur they thinks that I will stay in Dwarka for some more time.

I'm in the garden with Rukmini jiji talking on some random topics mostly about weddings of Princesses or swayamvar, when she asked.

" you ever fall for someone?" A sudden image of Ashwatthama came in front of my eyes but i shook my thoughts off.

"I don't know" I said looking down

"You know I'm like your sister you can share with me, everyone needs someone to share things with." I sigh knowing she is right i look at her.

"It's just I don't know if I love someone." I said to be honest, at that moment Kahna also arrived and said from my behind.

"Then close your eyes you will get your answer." I look behind just to see kahna gesturing me to do what he said I sigh and close my eyes softly.

{ "You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." }

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