Don't You dare to touch HER!

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Jiji Stood up and stopped mata by showing her hand.

"Don't touch me, Rajmata Kunti. I'll get besmirched. I am no longer your daughter-in-law. I am not your Son's wife. Neither am i the bride of the kuru dynasty." Jiji said with no expressions and emotions just the pain can be heard in her voice.

She took the chudamani off from her head and threw on the floor where my five bhratas are kneeling. The stones of the chudamani came off from it and placed infront of the five of them.

"Now I am without a husband, a name or a dynasty. Just like a flame burning in the hearth of a forest dweller far away, I am pure but I am thriving on what is impure. Today in this, Sabha i alone have Shed tears equivalent to that of all the women in this world." Jiji said, but bhrata Duryodhana scoff graining attention.

"You are my slave, who gives you right to speak in this Sabha." He hiss at jiji. I can't believe this is the man that i used to believe blindly. When I saw his eyes shift from Draupadi jiji to Subhadra jiji, wait what is he thinking. God, no Subhadra jiji is pregnant. I can't able to save my one jiji but i will not letting anyone here to touch my other jiji when I know I can save her.

I went to Subhadra jiji who was silently crying. I placed my hand on her cheek and wipe the tears, she looked at me with teary eyes and hugged me tightly.

"Dushasan! Subhadra ko yaha leke aao." Bhrata Duryodhana said. But i stand infront of jiji protectively, I know jiji can easily save herself, but it's just she is pregnant right now.

Before bhrata Dushasan can take a step i said

"Don't you dare to touch her!"

"Suhani, don't come between this and moreover Arjun is my Slave so do his wife, I was not the one who forced them to play or bet their wife, they can leave the game in the middle but they decided to continue. It was they who did this all. So how was i became wrong!" He asked me and at this moment I don't have any excuse because somewhere he is right. He never forced them or told them to continue, they can leave the game in the middle of never played at the first place but they decided to play and lose everything even themselves and their wives.

I looked at the five men who was kneeling. I know it's their fault but bhrata Duryodhana's intentions was never good too.

"No matter what but you have no right to do this with a woman what you did with jiji! Nothing can justify the act you play, Yuvraj!" I hiss at him

"Still you are taking their side?! For what Priye? They are they reason, not me! It was their deeds I was the one who win because of luck! And you are still taking their sides and blaming everything on me?! It was Draupadi who insulted your bhrata and Tatshree! I am not here only wrong, they all are too! She laughed at me and insulted me, took mine, Dushasan's and Mitra Karna''s weapons at the name of what? Taking a stand for ourselves! When Bhima was the one who started!" He questioned me with pain in his eyes. But how can I make him understand that he was doing wrong, this is not a way to take revenge. He can't do this with a woman no one can! This is not justified. He can insult them but harrassing a woman moreover the wife of his Brothers is something which he should be has to shame on. And why he is bringing Subhadra jiji in the middle of all this. And about him saying Draupadi jiji insults him was totally a misunderstanding.

"Firstly I am not taking anybody's side and secondly you totally misunderstood about jiji, it wasn't her who said that but a dasi who stood beside her and trust me if jiji said that i myself stood for you and fight with her. But even if she did you have no right to Insult her like this!" I hiss the last part on him. He took back by my words, I pray to Shiva that maybe he understand that what he did was a great sin.

"You don't know anything, You were not present there when she insults me and i know who told you this made up story. These Panch Pandavas!" He said pointing his finger at them.

"Dushasan! Go bring Subhadra! She also choose this Arjun over me and now he is my slave!" He said Letting out a laugh. But bhrata Dushasan didn't move a inch just looked at my direction. Then bhrata Duryodhana himself start walking towards us and behind him Mamashree Shakuni telling him not to do anything with Subhadra jiji as she is the sister of Dau and Kahna but bhrata Duryodhana just pushed him away.

"Duryodhana! She is pregnant!" Bhrata Arjun said to him but he ignored. I looked at Ashwatthama in hope he might help but he looked away from me, i looked at everyone and they all give us a helpless look. Literally they again got a chance at least to save their another Kulvadhu and they are just showing how they are showing how poor they are.

My mind was not working and now all i have was hate and anger towards each and every man that was sitting here.

"Don't touch her." I warned, my voice encho in whole chamber. A aura formed behind me, I was feeling i am not control in myself when a ray came out through my hands and bhrata Duryodhana fly backed. He land on the ground and groaned.

I was feeling pain through my whole body, my head was blasting, I feel my eyes become red. I let out a painful scream and move my hands here and there i didn't realise that I do a great Demolition.

{ "Tears are words the mouth can't say nor can the heart bear." }

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