~ I will marry your five sons ~

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It was Bhrata Arjun, he looked at Draupadi then me, he did gesture to me to give them some privacy. I nodded and went from there.

I roam in the forest i really have no intention to go back to bhratas or mata. I sighed and went towards the river bank. I sit on the ground hugging my legs.

"Kahna." I closed my eyes and called him.

"Hmm priye, what happened?" I heard his voice, I open my eyes and looked behind. It's him, he was standing behind me with a smile on his lips. I stand up and hug him tightly.

"Kahna! I miss you so much!" I said, he cares my head then broke the hug. He wiped tears from my cheeks and shook his head.

" Don't cry, you know everything has a purpose, without purpose nothing happens." He said and i nodded.

"I know that's why I will not ask you anything. But kahna my life has become a mess now, I trust and loved my Kauravas bhrata but they planned to kill us, I love Ashwatthama but he now hates me, my bhratas life becomes miserable and they are blaming mata for this.... I'm tired Kahna I'm tired." I cried on his chest.

"Shhh, everything gonna be alright and why are you crying you were born to make history remember? Devi Parvati blessed you with some divine powers, remember your power you use on Kaliyawan-" he said and i cut him off

"And then i fainted" I said

"Hmmm, because you don't know how to use them. Trust me this is just starting the journey is long and hard and you have to do a lot of sacrifices, you have to choose between your loved ones. But trust me you will be known for ages for your bravery." He said and wiped the tears from my eyes

"Now go your bhratas needs you." He said and I nodded my head and went from there.

As soon as I reached, jiji also arrived and he called Mata.

"Mata" mata turns to look

"Draupadi!" She said and went to her.

"Dear, my sons have found a way out of this situation, you will not face any form of injustice. You and Arjun will get married. But before that, the rest of my son's will resort to asceticism." Mata said making me gasp.

"Asceticism is the path of courage, mata. It is not a refuge when running away from the problems. Who will benefit from the asceticism of your sons? And Rajkumar Bhima is married. Why should his first wife be punished so?" Draupadi said

"There is no other solution, putri." Mata told her."

"When a woman gets married. She enters her new home with the hope of becoming the family's good fortune. How can I bring misfortune to maharaj Pand's family and lineage, mata?" Draupadi asked

"Unknowingly you have divided me amongst your five sons. I deem your mistake my destiny. I will marry your five sons." She declared

"NAHIN" I flinched at the voice I looked at the direction. It was Maharaj Draupad with his son Dhrishtadyumna.

"What did you say, Draupadi?" Maharaj Draupad asked softly standing in front of jiji.

"Have these bhramans planned to divide you? How did such a terrible thought stem in their minds?!"

"The royal family of Panchal should protect its Rajkumari. I DO NOT EXCEPT THIS MARRIAGE!" He said and looked at all of us.

"Pitashree, if a maiden won in a swayamvar stays with her father then we will be humiliated. And so will i." Draupadi jiji said crying

"That will not be humiliation but the blessings of lord Surya himself. Putri, one would have been humiliated had his daughter not been welcomed in his home." Maharaj Draupad said and took jiji with him.

"How did this happen, children? How could I commit such a grave mistake? I have ruined a maiden's life by giving her a lifelong insult." Mata cried

"Joy, sorrow, respect, insult if you can give all this Kunti then what does the Almighty do?"

"Bhagwan vedavyas....... Pranipaat" mata said

Then we all also greet him.

"There would come a time in your lives, when you would not know what the righteous path is. I knew of it. That is why, i have come here from Kampilya, Kunti, and Vasudev shree Krishna already told your putri Suhani, that this is destiny." He said all of them looked at me, I nodded my head.

"Bhagwan vedavyas, Now one knows more about righteousness than you in the entire world. You have classified the  Vedas into four segments. Oh great sage, answer us. What would be correct and appropriate in this situation?" Jyestha asked him while joining his hands in front of him.

"Your name is Yudhishthir. It means being steady in testing times. Being steady in testing times is in your nature, Putra. Then how can you be so perturbed? When life is spinning out of control it is essential to calm oneself down. Let's meditate over this situation.


We are now in the Mahal of Maharaj Draupad as per order of bhagwan vedavyas. He shows as the way of righteousness. As we enter Maharaj Draupad stop us with Soldiers surrounding us.

"How dare you come here? Who gave you the right to enter Kampilya? After insulting my daughter so gravely forget about Kampilya. None of you will find a place to stay in the entire Aryan region!" Maharaj Draupad said and the arrow was directed towards us and about to shoot. When a voice stopped him.


{ “Sometimes only pain can heal” }

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