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"Suhani,.... please." He said and stopped me by grabbing my hands, I shifted and made eye contact with him. He was looking in my eyes with his wet and guilty eyes with the infinity love in them for me, I know this time is not easy for him too but this all doesn't justify the fact that he was wrong.

I cupped his face so gently like if I touched him harder he would disappear, he closed his eyes and melted in my touch. I tiptoed and attached my head with his while he grabbed my bare waist in support with his cold icy hands making a Shiver rush through my whole body.

"Why Ashwatthama? Why?" After a few minutes of silence I asked him with the voice field with love and tired as the all anger in me the hate was not enough to take my love away for him.

He took a sharp breath and let out a shaky one a tear roll down from his lotus eyes which I gently wiped.

"I am s-sorry, I am soo soo soo sorry. I know you felt hurt by my act but trust me I never think about a-anyone any women except you. You are the only owner of this heart, Suhani. And I never felt anything about Samragni,she is nothing more than a wife of your bhratas to me." He said as his grip got tighter in my waist and his thumb caressed my tummy.

"And about that Dyut sabha that trust me I myself didn't know anything as soon as I went there Duryodhana said that he will take his revenge and give me your and Rudra's swear for not stopping him or going out of the Dyut sabha." He said and by the look in his eyes I know his every word was filled with the truth.

After a few minutes of silence I hugged him I wasn't able to face this separation, I love him and this love is full of madness, I miss this love, his smell, his touch, his grip on me was gentle yet tight like he was hiding me from this world. Who was just filled with nasty people.

I sniff on his chest while he kiss my hair. The atmosphere was filled with care and love we had for eachother.

"As-Ashwatthama why this all happened? Why jiji has to face this kind of situation and a lot of humiliation? And My bhratas..... I-I love them and trust them b-blindly but they pay me like this by breaking my trust with this much cruelty. I never thought in my life that one day I was going to be evidence of this kind of situation. I never felt this helpless and weak. I wish I had died before I saw this -" before I continue I felt his lips on mine with the hint of slightly anger and rough. I was shocked with his sudden action but as soon as I got out of the shock I put my one hand around his nape and my on his hair. A few minutes later I gasp for breath and tried to Break the kiss but he was not leaving so I slightly pushed his and filled my lungs with air. He harshly wiped his lips and looked at me.

"Never ever say anything like dying, understand!" He said, and pulled me in him by grabbing my nape our lips was touching, I gluped and nodded my head.

He action and voice both filled with domination. My heart beat rapidly increasing and my breath become deeper as soon I felt his one hand roaming all over my body. I pushed him away lightly and turn around ready to leave the room as this is not Panchal or it's not even the right situation for all this, it's wrong. But he wrapped his arms around my waist and pushed my hair in the front, I got goosebumps when I felt his lips come in the contract with my bare neck. My whole body Shiver under his touch his name automatically came out of my mouth like a whisper.


I hiss when he give me a hickey on the my collarbone. He took me in his arms in bridal style and that was the time we made a deep eye contact his eyes had a lot to say but at this time maybe the actions can tell the more but the pain he was hiding deep down in his eyes made my heart clenched. I cupped his face in my little palms and peck his lips.

"Arya" I for the first time called him that, I thought he will be surprised but in the positive way. Out of nowhere he suddenly drop me down making me yelp in pain. I rub my bum and look up at him he was looking like a shocked monkey, I was boiling with anger right now how dare he to throw me on the ground and give me this stupid reaction on calling his Arya for the first time. "Hey Mahadev! Ye kaisa vichitra prani banaya hai aapne bilkul budhu!" I dramatically complain to Mahadev about this silly creature.

"Are you gonna be statue there or will help me in getting up!" I asked him making him getting out of his own Little shocked world.

"No no no no! who are you?! What did you do to my Suhani?!" He asked with a terrific dramatic look. "Now I understand why he is acting like this and from where he learned all this, he should stop being too much with bhrara Dushasan, he is the only unique creature who behaves like this in the whole universe." I thought in my mind with motivating myself that I can lessen the effect of bhrara Dushasan off from Ashwatthama..

"Ashwatthama, don't be stupid and give me your hand ahhhh my back hurt!" I hiss in pain when he kneel down with a worry face he tried to touch my butt where I got hit but I slapped his hand off. He let out a yelp and rubbed his hand with a hurt pout. "Ishhhhh still being cute after throwing me on my bum, stupid cute creature." I complained in my mind about his cuteness.

"Let me atleast put you on the bed." He said and again tried to took me in bridal style but I stopped him.

"No no no no no I am not allowing you, call Kahna or Dau." I said lightly massaging my butt. But out of sudden he picked me up in his arms.

"Don't you dare to say that, I am not allowing anyone to touch my wife." He said, "but wait wasn't he was the one who caused this all at the first place?! Hey Mahadev I am soo done with this guy" I said in my mind and let out a sigh and place my head on his chest in defeat.

{ "You're my favorite hello and my hardest goodbye" }

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