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"Alright, Mav, let's shoot some terrorists." Hurricane said and we chuckled as we walked towards our fifth gen fighters.

"Talked to your family yet?" He asked. I don't know but recently me and Hurricane has gotten along better than usual. I mean we mock and tease each other because that's what we do, but after the whole hijacked jet experience we both have eased up a little. Still hated his guts because he was an asshole.

"No." I said and looked down at the ground as we walked.

"Why? We've been here for a month." He said.

"Haven't gotten around to it. We both know that keeping in touch takes us off our game." I said and he nodded.

"Yeah, you got a point." He said and I walked over to my jet. I put on my helmet and climbed in. I checked the systems before the canopy lowered above my head. I looked at the necklace Miles had given me before my departure as a good luck charm. It was a golden necklace with a jet charm. I kissed it before tucking it in my flight suit. I lowered my sunglasses as I started the engine.

"Dagger 1, ready for takeoff." I said as I moved out on the runway.

"Dagger 1, cleared for takeoff." The ATC said and I pushed the throttle forward and took off, I pulled it a little backwards and the jet started soaring into the sky. I looked behind me to see Hurricane, Blaze and Thor right behind me. Our mission was to launch bombs on enemy territory, destroying their runway and aircrafts.

"Good luck, Daggers." The ATC said. I flew in the front as the rest of my team was after me. Being ranked number one gave me the opportunity to be team leader, to be in the front line.

"Alright, Daggers. Ready?" I asked through the radio as we got closer and closer to target.

"Let's give 'em hell." Blaze said and I smiled.

"Let's turn and burn!" I said and pushed the throttle forward. We speeded up to 760 knots and headed over enemy territory. We had to be fast, just get in there, get it done, and get out before they could spot us. I made sure to have the bomb ready to drop when it was time.

"Jesus Christ." Hurricane said as we could see the enemy. Their runway was massive. Fuck. There was no way we would be able to blow this up with only four bombs. No way.

"All daggers, spread out. We need to cover as much territory as possible." I said through the radio.

"Copy that." Everyone said and we spread out.

"Alright, no turning back now." I said as we flew over, I dropped the bomb over the runway and pushed the throttle forward to increase speed to get away from the explosion.

"Bullseye!" I said as I looked back and saw the bomb explode over their runway.

"Got 'em good!" Thor said.

"Got 'em!" Blaze said.

"Hurricane?" I asked as I was breathing heavily.

"Yeah, I got 'em but look behind you." He said and I turned my head to see two enemy planes.

"Shit." I said.

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