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milesteller: it's payback time, Mrs

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milesteller: it's payback time, Mrs. Teller
tagged: linateller


user1: I kind of enjoy this war

user2: wow, I'm gonna go and grab some popcorn 🍿💪🏻❤️

lewispullman; this is gonna get gooood

user3: I hope this war goes on for years
user4: love how you all joke about war when she's actually been in one, just saying 🤷🏼‍♀️
user5: aaand here comes the party pooper

monicabarbaro: I'm all for this, keep em coming

suricruise: is that how you prepare for deployment???
user6: holy shit😂😂😂
user7: that's dark😆😂👏🏻👏🏻

user8: Suri bites😆😂🥰

linateller: it's on hubby

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