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"Attention on deck!" They said and we all stood up as the Chief walked up to the podium.

"Good morning aviators." He said and we sat down.

"Happy to see you all." He said and looked over at me and Hangman. We landed from Baghdad last night after 7 months of pure war. We were up in the air almost every day and if we weren't flying, we tagged along with the field soldiers.

"Today the facility will be packed, you will all spend the day writing reports from previous deployments and missions. You are all behind on paperwork, so take this opportunity and catch up." He said.

"Chief?" Thor asked.

"Yes." He said.

"Why is the place going to be packed?" He asked.

"I was getting to that." Chief said and we all chuckled as he looked at Thor with a blank look.

"They are having a three day photoshoot for the upcoming Top Gun movie here so you all are going to be on desk duty during these days." He said and I sat up straight. Holy shit.

"And since the actors haven't flown in a while they have requested Maverick and Hurricane to stand in for the in air photos." He said and I sighed.

"Sir, can't Thor and Fox do it?" I asked, I was not in the mood for dealing with those people.

"No, they requested you two and they are getting you two. It's an order, Maverick. Get it over with." He said and I groaned.

"You are all dismissed." He said and we walked out of the lecture hall.

"Have fun playing models." Fox joked.

"Have fun playing secretary." I said and Hurricane chuckled.

"Military mode?" He asked.

"Only way to do it." I said and he nodded. We parted ways as we walked into the locker rooms. I headed to my locker, fixed up my hair, put my aviators on and grabbed my helmet and flight gear.

I haven't seen or talked to any of them in 7 months. I haven't even talked to dad. I don't even know if he knows I was in Baghdad. And I did not look forward to see them again. I don't know why I held a grudge against everyone. I mean Lewis, Jay, Danny and Greg didn't do anything wrong. But I was still so mad. At everyone. At everything. I was mad. And I have used this anger in Baghdad, too many times and maybe in a reckless way a couple of times. I had nothing to loose anymore. I could fly however I wanted. I had no one but myself to think about. I closed my eyes for a second, gathering myself. I knew what I had to do. And I needed this to be over. I needed to do what I always did when I had to things I didn't really wanna do. I needed to go into military mode. Now more than ever.



It was really weird being back in the flight suit and back at Top Gun. I haven't been here in like 7 months and I haven't worn a flight suit in over a year. I did prefer the ground over the air but it felt really good being back in the flight suit. It was nostalgic.

Top Gun: Maverick | Miles Teller & Tom CruiseWhere stories live. Discover now