Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Hogwarts

The Morningstar Family was now walking into King's Cross train station. As Lilith and Charlie were helping Harry out by carrying whatever was not on his cart. "Come, Harry. We can't be that far to our destination," Lilith told her son as she was carrying Hedwig's cage for him, noting that the proud bird was getting a little fussy.

"Coming, Mom," Harry said as he pushed the cart while Charlie carried some of his books.

"Where is Hagrid, anyway," Charlie asked as she looked around till she saw the half-giant and waved to him. "Hagrid, over here!"

"Well, there you lot are. Where have you been," Hagrid asked as he approached them.

"We were looking for you."

"Oh, well, we found each other and that's the main thing," the half-giant said laughing to himself. "Well, I can't be here too long. Dumbledore's gotta get his... well, he's gotta see me. I'm here to give you this, Harry," he said as he handed Harry his train ticket.

When Harry got his ticket, he looked at it and raised a brow as he saw that it said platform 9 ¾. Something that he found very odd and showed the ticket to his mother and sister. "Hagrid, this says Platform 9 ¾ there is no such-" he said as the half-giant disappeared. "Where did he go?"

"He disappeared right in front of us. He's a pretty stealthy colossus," Lilith said as she looked away from the ticket as well. "An unusual number for the platform. But then again, you are going to a magic school."

"Should we ask someone for directions," Charlie suggested.

"Sweetie, that's not going to work. These non-magic folks won't know what we're talking about," Lilith told her daughter. "But maybe there's a way at platforms 9 and 10. Could be a secret way."

With that said, the Morningstar family headed to the platforms and searched the surrounding area if anyone looked suspicious or out of place in a way. To their luck, there was a family of redheads that had luggage carts similar to Harry's, with the eldest-looking boy having an owl in a birdcage. The mother of the various boys was instructing her children and the Morningstar Family overheard her say something about Muggle crowds and the platform number they were looking for. "Alright, Percy. You first," she instructed as the eldest of the boys ran toward the center of the arch between the platforms, only to phase through the bricks like a ghost.

Seeing this, Harry's eyes went wide and he looked to see if any non-magical civilians saw what happened while Charlie gasped in excited surprise. "Interesting," Lilith said as the three made their way over to the family.

"You next, Fred," She told the next boy, who stood next to an identical twin.

"He's not Fred, I am," said one of the twins.

"Seriously, woman. You call yourself our mother."

"I'm sorry, George," the mother apologized as the first twin lined his luggage cart up with the pillar.

Before he started to run, the boy turned back to his mother. "I'm only joking. I am Fred," he said before running through the pillar only to phase through like his older brother, then followed by George, or Fred, or whoever it was.

"Excuse me," Lilith said, approaching the mother of the redheads as the woman turned and looked up in shock at the amazon of a woman standing before her. "Are you going to the platform for the Hogwarts Express? I assume that's the entrance."

"O-oh yes, yes. What you do is once you make sure that the path is clear, you walk straight at the wall between platforms 9 and 10. This is my son Ron's first year of Hogwarts as well," she told the Queen of Hell.

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