Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: The Forbidden Forest

Many months have passed since Harry, Ron, and Hermione found out who Nicolas Flamel was and kept an eye out for Snape or anyone who got too close to the third floor. Harry was doing good with his classes and caught the Snitch at every Quidditch game he was in. One time, he even broke the school record by grabbing the Snitch after only about five minutes into the game. The trio tried to visit Hagrid, but he kept on saying that he was busy for some reason.

Spring had arrived and Harry and Ron decided that they should visit Hagrid tonight. "What if he's still busy?" Hermione asked her two friends.

"With what? I mean it's not like he's grading papers or anything," Ron told her. "Besides, it's been months. Whatever he was so busy with should be done by now."

The trio continued to walk to class until Malfoy stood in their way with his two goons behind him. "Going somewhere?"

"Classes. Where else," Ron hissed at the blonde-haired Slytherin as the three tried to get past the Slytherins. "Move, Malfoy!"

"Say please," Malfoy demanded.

"We don't have time," Ron tried to push through but got pushed back.

"Say please, Weasley or I'll turn your red hair green," Malfoy threatens as he points his wand at Ron.

"He doesn't have to say anything, Malfoy," Harry stepped up to him.

Malfoy smirks smugly as his wand is now pointed at Harry. "Very brave of you, Magne. Too bad it means you're foolish as well. Furnunculus," he said as a gold light came out of his wand, but bounced off Harry and back at the Slytherin as he fell backward. Crabbe and Goyle picked up their so-called boss onto his feet. As Malfoy got up, his entire face was covered in zits and boils, making him look like some sort of toxic fungus. Harry, Ron, and Hermione laughed at the blond Slytherin. "I'll get you for this, Magne! Mark my words," he exclaimed as Crabbe and Goyle took him to the Hospital Wing.

"How did you reflect the spell off him," Ron asked the Boy who Lived.

"I didn't. The ring my parents gave me reflected the spell right back at him," Harry told his best friend as he quickly showed the ring on his right hand. "It only rebounds curses, though. I'd probably still be levitated by one of you guys."

"Wicked," Ron said, impressed by the strong protective magic.

"Thanks. Now then, let's get to class," Harry told them as they headed to Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Later that night, the trio snuck out and was able to hide with Harry's Invisibility Cloak. Making their way to Hagrid's hut, Harry stuffed the cloak into his new bag Charlie gave him and knocked on the door. The half-giant of a man opened the to see the trio. Hagrid was wearing an apron and some oven mittens. "Hagrid."

"What are you three doing out so late, go back to the castle and get back to bed," the half-giant said to them, ready to close the door.

"We know about the Sorcerer's Stone," Harry, Ron, and Hermione said in unison, making the half-giant stop.

"Oh... might as well come on in fer some tea then," Hagrid said as he invited all three of them inside.

"We think Snape or someone is trying to steal it," Harry told him.

"Snape? You're still on about that?" Hagrid said as he made the tea in the kettle above something else in the fire.

"Hagrid, we know he's after it. We just don't know why," Harry told him as he and Ron sat on the bench next to Fang while Hermione sat on the Sofa.

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