Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Back to Hell

After a visit to Diagon Alley in London, the Morningstar Family returned home from a day of shopping. Lilith and Charlie got some more fabric so that they or their tailors could make them new outfits to wear at future events. Lucifer got some tea that he and Dumbledore liked so much but also obtained a Quidditch rulebook as he was thinking of making a similar event in Hell. While most of the other witches and wizards were fine, a few gave the Morningstars dirty looks until Lucifer simply gave an evil smile to scare those people off.

"That was so much fun! Can we visit again, Dad," Charlie asked as she was holding onto the stuff she was carrying.

"Maybe when Harry's next semester comes up," Lucifer said as he handed his stuff to Razzle and Dazzle, who took the newly purchased items to Lucifer's office or the family's bedrooms. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to running things."

"And I'm going to redecorate my room," Harry said as he headed upstairs with some other servants. Hogwarts was nice, even with all the crazy things he had to deal with, but nothing beats home. Once the last of his stuff was taken up to his room, he bid one of the imp servants farewell before leaving the room. "Thank you, Klaus. Come on, Hedwig. Time to come out now," Harry said as he opened the snowy owl's cage. She hopped out of her cage and onto her master's desk as she stretched out her wings being cramped in there for hours due to the impromptu shopping trip. The 11-year-old boy couldn't blame her and the last thing he needed was to give her a case of claustrophobia. Making her want to feel comfortable, Harry took out his wand and cast a spell that made a small branched stand appear in his room. Hedwig hooted happily as she flew to the branch and sat comfortably on it. "You can come out too, Sam."

Harry's pet snake slithered out of his robes and onto the hardwood floor. The horned snake looked around his master's room. The serpent had to admit it was larger than the boy's dorm room at Hogwarts. "Will I have a place to sleep too, Master?"

"I figured you'd want to roam around the manor, but I'll get a terrarium for you if you like," Harry told his pet snake as he levitated his Gryffindor banners right next to his posters, his books on his shelves, and his Nimbus 2000 hanging on his wall. "Okay, that should do it. And tomorrow, I start my vacation," he told himself while lying on the bed. 'Well, more like some royal duties than a vacation. I'll still enjoy it as much as I can.'

"Bye, Mom. Bye, Dad. I'm going out," Harry told his parents as he was now wearing dark blue pants, a black shirt with a red pentagram on it, and a light long-sleeved blue sports jacket.

"Hold it right there, young man. And where do you think you are going," Lilith asked with her arms crossed and a raised eyebrow.

"Just out, probably see some of my old friends."

"Without an escort," she asked as Harry could see the fire in her eyes, worried for his safety. "Either your sister comes along or Razzle and Dazzle go with you."

"But Mom-"

"Don't you talk back to me, young man! You know full well how Hell works, Prince or no Prince," the queen told the dark-haired boy with her silvery eyes staring right into his soul.

Harry cowered as he felt like a rat staring into the eyes of a snake. If he learned one thing, never get on the bad side of his parents. "Okay, I'll take Razzle and Dazzle with me. But I'm also arming myself in case of sticky situations."

"That's a good boy. Just don't do anything to get yourself into too much trouble. Otherwise, your father will be putting you into another torture session," the Queen of Hell said to him with a hint of maniacal laughter.

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