Chapter 22

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Chapter 22: The Chamber of Secrets

A few days after Harry and Ron went to Hagrid's hut and visited Aragog, they were figuring out how to get to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom to speak with her. They would have done it immediately, but the security precautions prevented them from being able to go whenever they wanted. It also didn't help that the encounter with Aragog kept Ron up for the last couple of nights because of his fears giving him nightmares. "I keep seeing spiders," Ron bemoaned.

"Maybe my sister can find you some sort of tea that can help calm you down," Harry suggested before thinking of what to do to get to Myrtle about her death. However, his pondering was cut short as the next thing he knew, a pair of arms wrapped around his neck. "Ugh! Charlie!"

"Are you still embarrassed that your big sister likes to hug you," the Princess of Hell asked him as she was still squeezing his neck.

Harry would usually try and push her off, but he was actually glad to see his older sister at the moment. He never got a chance to write to her as things were getting gloomier. "Sis, there's a lot we need to discuss with you."

"What is it? And where's Hermione," Charlie asked him as he and Ron looked slightly pale. She realized what their looks meant and her eyes widened slightly. "Oh... Well...what did you want to tell me?"

"We'll tell you all about it tonight when everyone is asleep. Meet with us at the portrait hole around 6," Harry whispered to her.

"Okay, but I want to see Hermione first," Charlie told both of the boys.

"Okay then. Change of plans. Me and Ron have a free period at four, meet us outside of Transfiguration," Harry told his older sister as he and Ron went off to their first class.

After the fourth period, Charlie met the boys outside of Transfiguration and saw that Harry and Ron looked relieved. Seeing the Princess of Hell, Harry walked over to her. "Charlie, I got some good news. Professor McGonagall told us the Mandrake Draught is nearly ready. Everyone that's been petrified will be cured as soon as possible!"

"That's great news! Are we still going to see her," Charlie asked.

"We are. We just got permission from Professor McGonagall to visit her," he said as the three of them walked off to the Hospital Wing to see their petrified friend. Once they reached it and gave the note to Madame Pomfrey, she allowed them in to let Charlie see Hermione's state for herself.

The two of them lead Charlie to the second-year Gryffindor, who is lying on the bed like a statue. The Princess of Hell let out a low gasp to sign her horror at what the Basilisk had done to her. "Poor Hermione," she said as she knelt on the girl's right side and stroked her hand then Charlie felt something in the girl's hand. It was a piece of paper. "Guys, look," she whispered as she gestured to Hermione's hand and saw the paper scrunched up. "Think you can get it?"

"I'll try," Harry scooted over next to his sister as Charlie blocked Madame Pomfrey's view with her body as the raven-haired boy tried to get to the piece of paper. "Dammit, I can't get to it without trying to break off her fingers," he said aloud as he tried to grab it. Just then, he had a better idea. "Sam, slither through her hands and grabbed the piece of paper"

"Okay," Sam said as he slipped right in between Hermione's fingers and grabbed the paper with his mouth. "Got it."

"Thank you, Sam," Charlie said to the horned white serpent as she unraveled the paper. The Princess of Hell read what was on the paper and gestured both of the boys out of the room so they could talk without anyone eavesdropping. "Harry, Ron, if you are reading this, that means you found my letter. The Basilisk has been getting around the school through the pipes," she read aloud as they were in an empty hallway. "So that's why Harry and I could hear it in the walls. It's using the plumbing in the building."

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