2. The Reality Stone

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The next morning, Natasha descended the stairs to the shared kitchen of the Avengers. Tony and Bruce were engrossed in their conversation, while Clint and Maria engaged in dialogue at another table. Natasha decided to make herself a cup of coffee, the aroma wafting through the air as she navigated the familiar space.

From the living room, she heard the sounds of a morning greeting. Turning, she noticed Steve and Sam, likely back from their morning run. She joined them in the living room, quietly settling on the couch. Steve, holding a bottle of water, greeted her, "Good morning, Nat."

She nodded and mumbled a response, "Morning." His slight frown went unnoticed as Natasha kept her gaze steady.

After a moment, Natasha cleared her throat, breaking the silence. "Guys, who took me to my apartment last night?"

Tony, always ready with a quip, laughed loudly. "My, my, Romanoff. Cut some vodka."

Natasha raised an eyebrow, her gaze piercing. "You were already wasted when I entered your party, so you shut up." Tony fell silent, looking away under the weight of her gaze.

Steve chuckled, a warm sound that carried a hint of amusement. "You were just a second away from breaking a man's face, so I took you to your room last night."

Natasha processed the information with a muted acknowledgment, offering only a soft "oh" before diverting her gaze elsewhere.

As if on cue, a brilliant shower of lights cascaded outside the tower, signaling Thor's arrival through the Bifrost. The vibrant display added a touch of otherworldly energy to the moment, drawing the attention of everyone in the room.

Thor's heavy footsteps echoed through the room as he entered. "Avengers, there is a big trouble," he announced, drawing the attention of the group that had gathered in the living room. 

Clint, ever the jester, couldn't resist making a wisecrack, "Not that we were expecting some good news with the visit of the God of electricity." 

Thor shot him a stern look, "It's God of Thunder, you bird-brain."

Steve intervened, cutting off any further banter. "Thor." 

The God of Thunder nodded, refocusing on the matter at hand. "Right. The reality stone. I mean... a very powerful gem has been stolen from Asgard."

 Natasha mumbled under her breath, "Loki." 

Thor acknowledged her suspicion with a nod. "I know. But he has kept that hidden somewhere on Earth." 

Tony, displaying his usual confusion with cosmic matters, asked, "The reality stone? What's that?"

Thor sighed again, emphasizing the challenge of explaining these supernatural objects to mere mortals. "So, the reality stone, or gem, is a liquid," he reiterated.

 Sam, ever the skeptic, quirked an eyebrow and remarked, "But you just said it's a stone." 

Thor, growing somewhat exasperated, pleaded, "Listen to me first."

He delved into the cosmic history, unraveling the tale of the creation of the universe. "When the universe was created, six powerful objects, or Infinity Stones, were scattered. Space gem, mind gem, soul gem, time gem, power gem, and reality gem. However, the reality gem is in the form of liquid." The others, though still grappling with the abstract concept, nodded with a tentative understanding, sensing the profound complexity of these cosmic forces. 

Bruce inquired further, "So the reality stone or gem is like mercury? Metal but liquid." 

Tony, always quick to grasp scientific analogies, nodded in understanding. "So, what can it do?" 

Thor sighed, taking a moment to collect himself before responding, "It can do anything. It's the reality stone. You can teleport with it, create things as you want, destroy a planet if you desire, or turn the entire universe upside down in just a few seconds. That's how powerful it is."

Steve, recognizing the urgency of the situation, nodded in agreement. "So, we need to get it before someone uses it to create some disaster."

 Thor affirmed, "Yes. For that, I need to track Loki's footsteps. He can be anywhere." With that, Thor left the room, leaving the Avengers to prepare for the impending mission to retrieve the reality stone and thwart any potential catastrophic consequences.

As everyone prepared for the mission, Natasha donned her suit, meticulously checked her widow bites, and ensured her batons were at the ready. These missions, this job, represented her lifeline. Success in each mission was not just a duty but a personal validation, providing her with a sense of purpose that transcended the ordinary. She walked out of her apartment, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

However, as she stepped out, a slight startle crossed her features when she noticed Steve emerging from his apartment across the hall.

Quickly regaining her composure, she masked her reaction. Unfortunately for her, Steve's observant eyes caught the momentary lapse, and he frowned. Natasha, usually unflappable and never caught off guard, was not her usual self.

Concern etched his features as he gently inquired, "You okay?" 

Natasha sighed, her response laden with unspoken weight, "You see anything wrong?" Steve was taken aback, but before he could delve further, Natasha interrupted, her tone firm, " Don't. It feels heavy. Your caring gestures feel like burdens on me."

She continued, letting out words she had kept hidden, perhaps even from herself, for a long time. "We're just colleagues, nothing more, nothing less." 

His baby blue eyes, usually filled with warmth, now bore a coating of hurt. Natasha, despite her resolve, felt a pang of regret for uttering words that seemed to wound him. She saw it, that hurt in his gaze, and her gut twisted with the realization that she had pushed too far. Yet, she couldn't afford to let her walls crumble.

Quickly masking his feelings, Steve shook his head. "No. We're friends. You said that yourself," he reminded her. "You asked what I want you to be. I said, a friend I could rely on. And you agreed. You trusted me, and asked if I trust you the same. I said yes, and I'm saying now - yes, Natasha. I trust you. I will always do." Steve's words echoed the conversation they had shared when they were on the run from HYDRA, in the quiet confines of Sam's house.

He continued, understanding the inner turmoil that Natasha grappled with, "You don't want to do anything with me, that's fine. But please, value yourself. You're not a Red Room agent anymore. You're worth more than you realize." 

His words, meant to be supportive, felt like an intrusion into the carefully guarded sanctuary of Natasha's thoughts. Another reason to add to the list of why she harbored a growing resentment towards him. She didn't want him to read her like an open book.

With that, Steve walked away, leaving Natasha standing there, watching the shield hanging against his back, a silent emblem of the complexities that intertwined their paths.

Inside the jet, the Avengers sat in anticipation as they soared towards Russia, the presumed location of the hidden reality stone under a mute school. The challenge ahead was evident, but their determination overshadowed any apprehension. Steve, taking a moment before the mission, began with a sigh, addressing the team.

"We don't know what's waiting for us," he admitted, his gaze moving across the faces of his teammates. "Because we have never faced something like this—a supernatural cosmic object. So, we need to be extra careful. And, as we know Loki, he will surely try to make it a hell ride for us. Be prepared, and let's give our hundred percent. Most importantly, we all are coming home safely." The collective nodding affirmed their commitment.

Steve added a final caution, "So... don't be reckless." The pointed remark wasn't lost on anyone. Natasha closed her eyes with a sigh, contemplating Steve's unspoken words. When she turned to him for a moment of connection, he was already in his seat, deliberately avoiding her gaze. Clint, ever the provocateur, smirked at Natasha, and she shot him a glare, silently challenging his amusement. 

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