24. Annual Day

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Natasha awoke in the familiar dimly lit room, her face bearing the weight of profound pain and trauma. The curse she had uttered in the heat of the moment, "I wish you would have died being stuck under the ice of the ocean," had manifested itself into a chilling reality. She had witnessed Steve, the man she cared for deeply, dropping himself into the icy waters. The room reflected not only the somber atmosphere but also Natasha's overwhelming guilt.

Her expression wasn't one of sorrow; it was etched with the raw intensity of remorse. Guilt permeated her for a multitude of reasons. She grappled with the tangled emotions she had harbored for Steve, failing to understand and acknowledge them. Natasha blamed herself for consistently pushing him away whenever he tried to take a step closer to her. She regretted nudging him into relationships with others while his eyes silently declared his affections for her. Her heart ached for always subjecting him to a charade where she pretended to be infatuated with Bruce Banner, all the while knowing that Steve was the one who held her heart.

She regretted ignoring the hurtful looks he shot her way and not being his comfort zone as he had been for her. The weight of regret consumed her, especially for voicing that cruel sentence, even if not wholeheartedly. Why had she wished him away, and how could she live without him? These questions tormented her soul, and the gravity of her regret would haunt her for eternity.

In this moment of introspection, Natasha found herself in the presence of Doctor Strange, who observed her silent tears with a knowing gaze. He understood the immense burden that regret could carry.

A tearful smile graced Natasha's face as her gaze met the Time Stone holder. "I must have hurt him so good, haven't I? That's why people say 'watch what you're saying.' It always chases you to haunt," she reflected, tears streaming down her cheeks. Doctor Strange sighed in response to the weight of her realization.

"What do you think? Can you still go on, or do you want to give up?" he inquired.

She emphatically shook her head, determination burning in her eyes. "No. I can't, I won't. It doesn't matter if I have to travel to the end of time. I will go on. He is my motivation, he is my destination, Doctor. I can't give up," she affirmed.

Doctor Strange nodded in understanding, acknowledging the resolve in her words. "I guess now you understand," he commented.

Natasha silently nodded, acknowledging the profound lesson learned. "I have to leave my desire. I have to let him go, for him. Just like he let go of me for me," she declared, her tone resolute. With a determined sigh, she stood up. "Let's go. Our mission is finishing this time. Steve Rogers of that universe will be alive."

Doctor Strange raised an eyebrow, sensing a certain familiarity in her words. "Why did I hear a Captain America voice here?" he teased. Natasha responded with a wistful smile, and without further ado, Doctor Strange created another portal. Both stepped into it, embarking on the next phase of their journey. 

As the cab came to a sudden halt, Natasha stirred, slowly waking up from her thoughts. The driver glanced back through the rearview mirror, breaking the silence, "We're here, miss." Natasha looked outside, realizing they had arrived at an airport. As she fumbled to unlock her phone, she simultaneously opened the cab door, but her attention was diverted as her eyes caught a text on her phone screen.

"Will you come to see the performance tomorrow evening?" The text was from someone saved as 'R.' Puzzled, she couldn't immediately discern the identity behind the initial.

Quickly stepping out of the cab, Natasha picked up her luggage bag. Before she could delve further into the mysterious text, she pressed on the contact labeled 'R' and initiated a call. On the second ring, a familiar voice responded from the other side, "Hello, Nat?" Her breath caught in her throat. 'R' – Rogers. It clicked.

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