34. Their Never-Ending Thing

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The wedding day had arrived, a day filled with love, joy, and the promise of a new beginning for Sarah and Miles. As family and friends gathered to celebrate, the atmosphere was buzzing with excitement. The venue, adorned with flowers and decorations, emanated a sense of enchantment.

Steve and Natasha, having donned their finest attire, walked into the bride's room. The moment they laid eyes on Sarah, resplendent in her white gown, a collective gasp of admiration escaped their lips. The ethereal beauty of the scene left them momentarily awestruck. Natasha couldn't help but express her affection with a tender kiss on Sarah's forehead, and Steve, overcome with paternal pride, enveloped his daughter in a warm, heartfelt hug.

With a moment of shared serenity, Steve seized the opportunity to address something that had been on his mind for a while. Both he and Natasha looked at Sarah with a mixture of anticipation and love.

"Sarah, I wanted to ask you for a long time," Steve began, his voice filled with a gentle warmth. He glanced at Natasha, finding reassurance in her nod of encouragement. The weight of the question hung in the air, and Sarah met their gaze with curiosity.

"Do you want to take your real surname back as Thompson?" Steve's query, laden with history and familial significance, opened a window into a potential choice for Sarah's future. A brief pause followed, and Sarah's gaze shifted downward as she considered her response.

Then, with a profound sincerity, she reached out and held her parents' hands. "Mom, Dad, ever since I started speaking clearly, I've only called you my parents. I take pride in my name. Sarah Rogers. I'm proud of this name, Dad. I'm the daughter of Rogers'. Please, don't take my pride away from me."

Her words, a heartfelt affirmation of identity and heritage, resonated deeply with Steve and Natasha. The room was charged with emotion, and tears of joy welled up in their eyes. Steve shook his head, a proud smile playing on his lips, "We won't. Sarah Rogers."

Natasha, her eyes sparkling with maternal love, added with a smile, "Sounds great." In that moment, surrounded by the love and support of her parents, Sarah embraced her true self.

As Steve and Sarah made their way to the aisle, a sense of serenity enveloped the atmosphere. The slow, melodic notes of the wedding music added a delightful backdrop to the emotional scene. The venue, adorned with flowers and the soft glow of candlelight, created a picture-perfect setting for the union of two souls.

Steve, proudly donning his role as the father of the bride, extended his arm, and Sarah gracefully linked hers through his. Together, they took measured steps down the aisle, every moment steeped in the weight of love and shared history. The gazes of friends and family followed the duo, capturing the essence of a father's bittersweet moment, willingly letting go of his daughter to embrace a new chapter.

Reaching the end of the aisle, Steve gently placed Sarah's hand in Miles', a symbolic gesture of trust, love, and a transition of responsibilities. As he patted both of their connected hands with a warm smile, Miles reciprocated the gesture with a confident promise. It was a seamless exchange, a passing of the torch from father to husband, and Steve couldn't be prouder of the couple he had watched grow and evolve.

Once the task was completed, Steve made his way to sit beside Natasha, who was already settled next to Miles' mother. As they sat side by side, hand in hand, they observed the ceremony unfolding before them with a shared sense of joy. Natasha's eyes reflected pride and contentment, while Steve's smile conveyed the satisfaction of witnessing his daughter's happiness.

The vows exchanged between Sarah and Miles echoed with promises of love, support, and a commitment to building a future together. Natasha couldn't help but be transported back to her own wedding day, the memories of promises made and the beginning of a life shared with Steve. The parallels between the past and present, the intertwining threads of their individual stories, created a poignant tapestry of family and love.

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