6. He Cared

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In the quiet solitude of her apartment, Natasha remained isolated from the world, avoiding the painful reality outside. The days passed by in a blur, and she couldn't bring herself to attend Steve's funeral, to face the finality of his absence. Friends and teammates tried to reach out, pleading with her to say one last goodbye, but Natasha was resolute in her isolation.

Clint, usually the one who could break through her defenses, found himself unable to do so this time. Natasha had always maintained a distance, wary of forming close relationships that would inevitably end in loss. Even when Steve tried to be the companion she needed, she pushed him away. 

 Despite her rejection, Steve remained steadfast and never retaliated with harsh words. Now, with him gone, she couldn't bear to stand by his coffin, pretending the hurtful words she had spoken hadn't cut deep.

The night hung heavy in Natasha's apartment, the darkness accentuating the solitude she sought. A sudden, unfamiliar knock pierced through the silence, an intrusion that hinted at an unexpected visitor. It wasn't Clint, the usual presence she'd expect.

"That night... Steve said it was his fault," Sam's voice echoed in her mind, an admission that carried the weight of unspoken regrets. Natasha's eyes, fixed on an indistinct point in the room, betrayed the tumultuous thoughts swirling within. "He said your words about him are valid. He knew, Natasha. He knew Melina's importance in your life. He just said... he couldn't let you die."

The air seemed to thicken as Sam paused, leaving the unspoken part of Steve's revelation hanging in the silence. Natasha, feeling a strange mixture of numbness and anticipation, waited for Sam to continue. His next words carried a profound truth that rippled through the room.

"You know, sometimes, the people who care about us the most don't like to acknowledge their efforts. That's how Steve was. He cared. You just don't know it."

With that, a deep silence enveloped the room, indicating Sam's departure. Natasha sat on her bed, the weight of Sam's words settling in. The numbness lingered, battling against the emotions that threatened to resurface.

In the heart of the night, when the Tower was draped in shadows and the only sounds were the soft hums of machines, Natasha found her way to the security room. The heavy silence that enveloped the space hinted that everyone else had surrendered to the embrace of sleep. The soft glow of the monitors welcomed her as she settled in front of them, seeking solace in the illuminated memories captured by the surveillance system.

With a calm but determined voice, Natasha addressed JARVIS, the omnipresent AI that governed the Stark Tower. "JARVIS, show me the footage. Footage where I'm... vulnerable."

Asking JARVIS to unveil the archives of moments shared between her and Steve, the AI dutifully complied, projecting a series of clips that depicted a side of their relationship she had been reluctant to acknowledge.

In one clip, the soft glow of the living room lights revealed her slumbering form on the couch. Captain Rogers, with a gentle strength, scooped her up and carried her to her room. The tenderness in his actions contrasted sharply with her own stoic demeanor.

In another clip, the screen portrayed a mischievous side of Steve. Hanging takeout bags on her door and buzzing the doorbell, he retreated swiftly, leaving behind the simple yet thoughtful gesture of anticipating her needs. 

A particularly poignant clip showcased a rainy night in the living room. Natasha, evidently inebriated, attempted to catch a cricket while creating a delightful chaos. Steve, unfazed, took on the role of a silent caretaker, cleaning up after her and ensuring she wouldn't inadvertently harm herself.

As the scenes unfolded, the security room became a canvas of memories. In a particularly touching footage, Natasha found herself drugged, a consequence of surgery on her rib and a bullet wound. The chaos that ensued within the confines of her room revealed the extent of her disorientation. However, amidst the disorder, Steve emerged as a steadfast presence, ensuring her safety and preventing harm during her dizzy state. 

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