7. You Can't Take Back Words

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The morning after, she visited Steve's grave was laden with a somber atmosphere, as if even the heavens understood the depth of her heartache.

Holding an umbrella that barely shielded her from the pouring rain, Natasha made her way to the cemetery. The droplets soaked through her clothes, but she didn't seem to notice or care.

In the graveyard, amidst the sea of tombstones, she found the solitary marker that bore testament to the man she had come to mourn. The lone tombstone stood as a reflection of the solitude that Steve Rogers had often felt in his unique journey.

Engraved on the cold stone were the words, 'Captain Steven G. Rogers,' and it struck Natasha with a touch of irony — the mystery of his middle name, a secret that remained locked away with him.

Around the tombstone, a collection of postcards and memory greetings adorned the site, each a testament to the impact Steve had left on the lives of those he had touched. 'The First Avenger' was etched into the stone, a title that both defined and confined the essence of the man beneath it.

The sight of his grave, marked by these tributes, tore at Natasha's heart, a tangible symbol of those who could never return.

As she stood there, tears mingling with the raindrops on her face, Natasha felt the weight of loss. The rain poured around her, a metaphorical cleansing or perhaps a shared lament with the heavens.

Natasha stood before Steve's grave, her voice trembling as she began to speak. The rain continued to pour, blending with her tears, creating a poignant backdrop to her heartfelt words.

"You know, I had heard... even bullets can be removed, and we can treat their wounds. But we can't retreat our words; their wounds could never be healed," she confessed, her voice filled with regret. A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she continued, "But still, I'm trying. Steve, I'm taking back whatever I had said that day. I didn't mean it. I—I..." Shame lingered in her hesitation, making it difficult for her to articulate her remorse. "I'm so sorry. I really didn't mean that. I know... you told me that you feel so bad when people label you as the man out of time. And I used to console you, saying you're not. You also have a place here. I meant that."

A lump formed in her throat as she gathered the courage to express herself further. "You belong here, Steve. I mean it. Please... just yell at me for being reckless. I promise I won't mind." Her tears fell freely now, an open display of the pain he had left behind. "You said you'll be there when I would be vulnerable. Here I am, breaking down. So please, hold me together, Rogers."

Despite her earnest plea, there was no response from the silent tombstone. The rain continued to cascade around her, emphasizing the weight of her words, and the emptiness left by the absence of the one person she had hoped would hear and understand.

Natasha's tears mingled with the rain as she continued pouring her heart out to the silent tombstone. Despite the downpour and her own emotional turmoil, she pressed on.

"I've never regretted the moments I've spent with you," she admitted, her voice choked with emotion. "Because... the entire world didn't trust this double agent, this spy. But you did. I thought you were a fool. Who trusts a spy? Above that, how can a soldier, a hero trust a dirty spy like me? But you did trust me. And I will always be indebted to that. Your trust was everything for me. It was you again... who convinced me that..."

She hesitated, grappling with the words that flowed easily when he was around but now seemed difficult to utter in his absence. "You said I'm a hero, maybe more than any Avenger. I believed in that, Steve. I trusted you. I just... just didn't want you to be so close to me," she confessed, a painful truth she could only express now that he was gone. "Because... at the end... I would lose you. See? I was right. You made me a mess, Rogers. Damn you."

As Natasha sobbed in the rain, the vulnerability in her words and the regret in her heart painted a poignant picture of the complex emotions she had grappled with during her time with Steve. Natasha's voice wavered as she continued, each word carrying the weight of her pain and regret. Her tears mixed with the raindrops, blending seamlessly into the melancholic atmosphere.

"You're so cruel, Steve. So cruel," she lamented, her head shaking as if trying to dispel the ache within her. In that moment of vulnerability, she felt a strange sense of normalcy, a departure from the calculated and guarded persona she usually wore. It was a vulnerability she reserved for him alone, a privilege he had earned.

"Who does this? You should have let me keep believing that love is only for children. You shouldn't have tried to break the girl of marble. You shouldn't have tried to break my thick walls. This is all your fault. This is all on you. This is all because of you. Only you."

Her tears continued to fall, a silent testimony to the storm of emotions raging within her. As the rain subsided, she decided to retreat, walking back to the tower. Her broken heart gripped tightly, she chose solitude. Natasha didn't want anyone else to witness her pleas, to see the cracks in her armor that only Steve had the ability to uncover. 

In the aftermath of Captain America's tragic fall, a somber atmosphere settled over the world. Days passed, and the initial shock began to dissipate, replaced by the ebb and flow of daily life. Clint Barton, seeking solace and comfort, had departed to be with his family, finding refuge in the familiarity of domesticity.

Meanwhile, Bruce Banner, ever immersed in the pursuit of scientific endeavors, embarked on a mysterious experiment, the details of which remained known only to him. The absence of the brilliant scientist added an air of uncertainty to the already subdued atmosphere.

Sam Wilson, once a stalwart therapist in a veteran ward, found himself grappling with his own emotional turmoil, a testament to the profound impact of Steve Rogers' loss. The healer now needed healing, and the irony of the situation was not lost on those who knew him.

Nick Fury, the elusive director of S.H.I.E.L.D., had vanished into the shadows as was his custom, leaving the others in the dark about his whereabouts and intentions. The enigmatic figure remained an unpredictable force, his actions often shrouded in secrecy.

In Stark Tower, Tony Stark and Pepper Potts found themselves alone, grappling with their own reflections on the recent events. The absence of Natasha Romanoff, who had left with a small bag in hand that morning, added an additional layer of uncertainty. Her departure was silent, devoid of any words, texts, or calls, leaving Tony and Pepper to wonder about her whereabouts and the path she had chosen to walk.

Amidst the prevailing melancholy and the quiet corridors of Stark Tower, a sudden interruption echoed through the building. Thor, the God of Thunder, descended upon the scene with his usual dramatic flair, accompanied by an unexpected guest, Dr. Stephen Strange. The Asgardian's commanding voice reverberated within the confines of the tower, breaking the uneasy silence.

"Stark!" Thor called out, announcing their arrival in a way only he could.

Tony Stark, seated on his couch, looked up with a mix of curiosity and amusement. Observing Dr. Strange alongside Thor, he couldn't help but inject a touch of sarcasm into the moment. "Did you visit any circus? Or Halloween... no, it's not Halloween yet."

The Sorcerer Supreme, undeterred by Tony's casual banter, extended his hand in a composed manner. "I'm Dr. Stephen Strange, and we have some trouble to solve." 

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