25. Confession

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As Steve approached Natasha after the rehearsal, her heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. Maria and Pepper left them alone making some excuse. 

Steve's question broke through her thoughts, and she forced a smile, masking the turmoil within. "How was it? You liked our performance?" His earnest expression bore into her, searching for her true feelings amidst the facade she presented. 

Natasha forced a smile, masking the heartache and pain that lingered beneath the surface. Her gaze shifted momentarily as she noticed Peggy Carter looking at Steve from a distance, but as soon as she spotted Natasha beside him, Peggy chose to leave. Natasha, perceptive in her own right, understood the unspoken dynamics at play. 

Trying to maintain composure, Natasha nodded at Steve's inquiry, "It was good. Really." Yet, it was Steve Rogers standing before her – a man who, in every universe, had an uncanny ability to decipher Natasha's every hidden emotion. He saw through her attempt at a smile, recognizing the pain that lurked behind her eyes.

"I wasn't hoping for this kind of reaction. I mean, it was 'our' favorite song," Steve remarked, his expression shifting from anticipation to a subtle disappointment. The emphasis on 'our' cut through the air like a poignant melody, resonating with shared memories that neither of them could escape.

Natasha's heart clenched at his words, her breath catching in her throat. She couldn't bear to see the disappointment in his eyes, knowing that her feigned enthusiasm had failed to meet his expectations. His emphasis on 'our' echoed in her mind, a painful reminder of the shared memories they once cherished together. It was their song, a melody that resonated deeply within both of them.

Natasha's delicate smile lingered on her lips as she recognized the significance of Steve's consideration for her feelings. "Steve, it was really good. In fact, I wish you could sing it on the annual day evening."

His eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, and the million-dollar smile returned to his face. "I will, definitely. However, we have prepared another song for the finals."

A genuine smile adorned Natasha's face. "Really? Then I would definitely attend the annual performance."

Steve was about to respond, but Sam's voice interrupted from a distance, signaling that it was time to clear the stage. He nodded at Natasha, promising, "See you in two days," before sprinting away to attend to his duties.

As Steve vanished into the stage-clearing activities, Natasha scanned the surroundings and spotted Peggy Carter preparing to leave, her guitar casually slung over her shoulder. Determined to untangle the web of emotions surrounding Steve and Peggy, Natasha called out, "Hey, Carter!" Peggy turned, her expression betraying a hint of surprise as she noticed Natasha approaching.

"Can we talk for a moment?" Natasha inquired, hoping to delve into the intricacies of the relationship between Steve and Peggy. Peggy, though taken aback, nodded in agreement, and they sought a quiet corner where they could engage in a private conversation.

Natasha led Peggy to a relatively quiet spot within the school arena. As they found a momentary escape from the bustling crowd, Natasha sighed, breaking the ice with a straightforward statement, "You like Steve." 

It wasn't phrased as a question. Natasha was sure of it, having overheard Pepper and Maria whispering about Peggy and Steve being the founding members of the band, and the added detail that Peggy had harbored a crush on Steve since the first year of high school only cemented Natasha's suspicions. 

Peggy, caught off guard by the directness of the inquiry, stumbled over her words in response. "Uh... no. I mean, yes, everybody likes him..."

Sensing Peggy's discomfort, Natasha interjected gently, "I'm not interrogating you." She offered a reassuring smile, hoping to diffuse any tension that lingered in the air. Natasha then proceeded with her suggestion, her tone soft but firm. "I have a suggestion for you. Tell him how you feel. You don't want to miss your chance."

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