11. The Martial Arts Fighter

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Natasha waited in anticipation in the audience stand as the indoor arena buzzed with loud music. The atmosphere was charged with energy, and soon, the announcer enthusiastically declared the current champion of the city.

The crowd welcomed him with cheers and applause. Then came the announcement of Steve Rogers, the challenger.

However, the crowd's reaction was the opposite; there were no cheers, just a chorus of disparaging comments predicting his imminent loss.

As the match started, Steve won the first round, eliciting a sigh of relief from Natasha. However, her relief was short-lived.

In the next two rounds, Steve lagged behind, taking some nasty blows to his face and abdomen. The crowd's disdainful remarks intensified as it became apparent that he was losing the match.

What puzzled Natasha and, at the same time, infuriated her was the observation that Steve seemed to be holding back his punches and blows. Having trained her Steve in sparring for years, she knew his every movement.

Even though this Steve was different, his body's flow was strikingly identical. With a sinking feeling, she began to suspect that Steve was intentionally losing the match. The winner was hoisted out by his team, leaving Steve lying flat on the ring, defeated but seemingly not surprised.

Natasha waited for Steve outside the arena, determined to confront him about why he would intentionally lose the match. Spotting Steve rushing towards the parking lot, she decided to follow him discreetly.

As she trailed behind, she heard some noise and caught Steve's name being mentioned. Unsure why she felt the need to hide, Natasha peeked out from behind a pillar, and her eyes widened at the scene unfolding before her.

Steve was in conversation with some people, and what alarmed her was the presence of the champion who had mercilessly beaten Steve during the match.

To Natasha's shock, the group handed bundles of cash to Steve, commending him for a job well done. She instinctively covered her mouth with her hand in disbelief. Steve had intentionally lost the match for money? It was a revelation she couldn't fathom.

The weight of the realization sank in, and she found herself questioning how Steve could do such a thing. Then, a recollection of Dr. Strange's words crossed her mind - Steve would have a different personality in different realities.

Natasha sighed, coming to terms with the fact that her expectations based on her own Steve were misplaced. Disappointed, she left the scene, grappling with the stark contrast between the Steve she knew and the one she had just witnessed.

The next week arrived, and Natasha couldn't bring herself to see Steve after witnessing his actions in the arena. Disappointment lingered, but worry and fear overshadowed her initial feelings.

The haunting thought of Steve meeting the fate she had witnessed, sinking into water, kept resurfacing. Shaking off that disturbing notion, she found solace in sitting at the balcony, silently waiting for Steve.

As the next weekend approached, Natasha couldn't resist the urge to wait for him again. Her patience didn't go in vain. On a rainy night, Steve's car pulled up in front of his place.

Natasha sprinted downstairs, finding him dressed in a black suit. When he turned around upon sensing her presence, she noticed the absence of any visible injuries on his face. However, the pain in his eyes was unmistakable.

Walking closer, Natasha observed the way his eyes shone in the rain, the tension evident in his clenched jaw. The raindrops created a surreal backdrop, reflecting the internal turmoil that seemed to consume Steve.

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