18. Burdens

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The day concluded with a lingering sense of accomplishment and frustration within Natasha. She had taken matters into her own hands, storming into the canteen to confront the troublemakers who had targeted Steve. 

A stern scolding and a demand to buy lunch for Steve and Bucky were delivered with an unwavering determination. Despite their initial refusal, Natasha's persistence prevailed, and Lance and Ramlow reluctantly bought lunch for the duo, accompanied by a warning that lingered in the air.

However, the repercussions of her actions weren't far behind. Natasha found herself summoned to the principal's office, where she received a reprimand for involving herself in what was considered a trivial matter among students. Unfazed, she stood her ground, emphasizing her commitment to preventing bullying. As she left the principal's office, her defiance remained unshaken, and she headed towards her apartment with a resolute stride.

On her way, a familiar voice called out her name – Steve. " Ms. Romanoff!"

She turned around to find him approaching, his backpack seemingly weighing him down as he ran, almost breathless. Concern flickered in Natasha's eyes as she assessed his condition. Steve managed to compose himself, expressing his gratitude for her intervention earlier. " Thank you....Thank you for earlier..." 

Natasha, aware of Steve's childhood asthma, adopted a reassuring tone. "Okay, calm down. Slow down a bit. I'm not going anywhere," she said casually, though the sincerity of her words resonated within. 

Steve gradually caught his breath, his breathing returning to normal. "Thank you for today. But please, don't do that again. I heard the principal was..."

Natasha playfully glared at him," Steve? Were you eavesdropping?"

Steve's face flushed with embarrassment as he apologized," I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I was just passing by...No. I was coming to say thank you and that's how I heard.."

 Natasha chuckled, dismissing his concerns. "Don't worry. It's fine. And no need to thank me. I'm your teacher; it's my job," she said with a subtle emphasis on the unspoken words, 'For you especially.' 

Steve lowered his gaze, shaking his head in a mix of gratitude and humility. However, as he met Natasha's eyes again, she found herself caught off guard by the intensity in his gaze. He sighed, reminiscent of the Steve she once knew, and expressed his gratitude more profoundly. "Thank you. After my ma and Bucky, you are the only one who took a stand for me. Thank you," he uttered before hastily rushing away.

Left standing there, Natasha couldn't help but watch his retreating figure with a small smile on her face. "Oh, Steve," she whispered to herself, a blend of emotions surfacing. In that moment, the connection between teacher and student transcended the ordinary, and Natasha felt a profound sense of responsibility for the scrawny, courageous boy named Steve Rogers.

As the days unfolded towards the anticipated 12th day, Natasha found herself immersed in a dual role – that of a vigilant teacher in the school and a watchful guardian over Steve. She maintained a close eye on him, deterring troublemakers who had previously targeted him. Her presence served as a shield for Steve, dissuading any further bullying.

In the midst of her duties as a teacher, Natasha discovered a recent tragedy in Steve's life – his mother had passed away just a few weeks ago. This revelation added another layer of understanding to Steve's resilience and reluctance to accept help from others. Bucky, Steve's best friend, had shared this information with Natasha. Despite Bucky's parents extending a supportive hand, Steve adamantly refused their assistance.

This new piece of information deepened Natasha's empathy for Steve. She remembered his desire, shared in her world, to grow up quickly so that he wouldn't burden others. The unspoken weight he carried had now become apparent. Natasha couldn't help but feel a profound sadness for the hardships he had endured, both in her world and this alternate reality.

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