19. Birthday-Girl

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The room Natasha found herself in was dimly lit, casting shadows that seemed to mirror the somber atmosphere that had settled within her. Unlike the previous instances, there was no scream tearing through the air, only a heavy silence accompanied by the constant trail of tears down Natasha's cheeks. The weight of regret hung palpably in the air.

In the midst of her silent turmoil, the realization of Steve's drastic decision weighed heavily on her. The words she had uttered in another reality echoed relentlessly in her mind—words that had unwittingly contributed to the unraveling of Steve's resilience. He had reached a point where he saw himself as a burden, a stark contrast to the heroic spirit she knew him to be.

Dr. Strange, too, seemed taken aback by the unexpected turn of events. Natasha sat down, her gaze fixed on the enigmatic sorcerer, as if searching for answers in his wise countenance. Her words trembled as she expressed her remorse, "I should have paid attention to the hints. He said it himself—he would never come out of his house. But I let it slide as a mistake. His lost expression, unusual quiet behavior, the heavy gaze towards me, everything was a hint."

Dr. Strange nodded in understanding, acknowledging the complexity of the situation. "I didn't expect that. The statue of 'never giving up' crumbled under its own weight," he remarked, emphasizing the unexpected vulnerability in Steve's character.

Natasha, burdened by guilt and sorrow, stood up, determined to rectify the tragedy that had unfolded. She turned to Dr. Strange with a shaky sigh, "Let's go to another one. I want to fix it as soon as possible." Dr. Strange, ever the enabler of alternate realities, nodded in agreement. With a wave of his hands, a portal materialized, and both stepped into it. 

In the sudden shift of reality, Natasha found herself seated in a car, flanked by a man and a woman. A swift survey of her surroundings revealed a young girl with her hair tied into playful ponytails – a version of herself at the tender age of nine or ten. Confusion and shock flickered in her eyes as she tried to make sense of this new setting.

As the car came to a gentle halt, the woman, sitting beside her, stepped out with a warm smile. Natasha's gaze fixed on the rearview mirror, and her heart skipped a beat. The woman addressing her was none other than her mother, the figure she had longed to see. The man, presumably her father, joined in, both extending an invitation with reassuring smiles.

"Natasha, come on, malyskha," her mother beckoned, using a term of endearment that resonated with the warmth of home. The man followed suit, encouraging her to join them. The words spoken were in a language familiar yet tinged with the sweetness of a forgotten lullaby.

Unable to contain the overwhelming rush of emotions, Natasha eagerly jumped out of the car, rushing into the embrace of her mother's waist. The gesture, while unexpected, felt comforting and poignant. Her mother, momentarily taken aback, quickly recovered and tenderly caressed Natasha's hair.

"Happy birthday, malyskha. Don't be sad. You're gonna get a big present," her mother reassured, the words wrapping around Natasha like a gentle embrace. 

The father crunched down, scooping her up into his arms, his paternal warmth a reassuring presence. "Why are you crying? It's your big day, doll," he added with a smile.

Together, the makeshift family navigated through a crowded market, the vibrant colors and sounds of celebration painting a vivid backdrop to this unexpected reunion. Natasha's heart swelled with a mixture of joy, confusion, and a profound sense of longing. As they strolled through the lively market, she absorbed the details of this alternate reality, unsure of what awaited her on this peculiar birthday celebration.

As her father called out the name "Rogers," Natasha's eyes widened in surprise and anticipation. Rogers? Could it be Steve? She scanned the surroundings, and there, in a quaint flower shop, stood Steve with a charming grin directed at her parents. The puzzle pieces clicked into place – Steve and her parents were familiar with each other. The revelation left Natasha curious and a bit bewildered.

Her father gently set her down, proceeding to share a warm hug with Steve. Natasha observed the unexpected camaraderie between them, her mind whirring with questions. When her mother engaged in pleasantries with Steve, she nodded towards Natasha, introducing her.

"Steven, here is our daughter, Natasha," her mother announced, adding that it was Natasha's tenth birthday. 

Steve's eyes widened in joy, exclaiming, "She's ten already?!" This exchange hinted at a connection that Natasha hadn't fathomed.

In a spontaneous gesture, Steve swiftly crafted a small bouquet of flowers, combining white roses and lavender. Bending down, he presented it to Natasha with a heartfelt, "Happy birthday, sweety." The use of the endearing term caught her off guard, momentarily freezing her. Natasha, never one for girly gestures or pet names, found herself unexpectedly touched by the intimacy in Steve's words. She accepted the flowers with a quiet "thank you," her eyes meeting Steve's warm gaze.

Steve's smile persisted, and he turned to her parents, seamlessly blending into this familial scene. 

As Steve attended to customers in his shop, an old woman approached him, handing him something with a request, "Please ask Mrs. Rogers to visit. I have saved some specially for her." 

Steve warmly acknowledged, "I'll let her know, Aunt Mary," creating an air of familiarity in this quaint setting. Natasha, witnessing this interaction, was taken aback. Steve was married in this timeline? The revelation stirred a mix of surprise and confusion within her. How could he be married?

Turning her gaze toward Steve, she couldn't contain her astonishment, questioning, "You have a wife?" 

Steve's nod confirmed the reality she hadn't anticipated. "Yes, and she is beautiful just like you. She was excited to see you," he added with a smile, casting a playful compliment Natasha's way. Her reaction was less than enthusiastic, and her father seized the opportunity to playfully tease her.

"Why this frown? Baby, don't tell me you were interested in him! He is an old man now," he teased, adding a touch of humor to the moment. Natasha's mother and Steve joined in the laughter, enjoying the light-hearted banter. Natasha, however, remained focused on the revelation of Steve's married life, her thoughts momentarily clouded with a sense of disappointment.

Her mother, with playful eyes, teased her further, "She is angry because you called Steve an old man." Natasha attempted to steer the conversation back, her curiosity getting the better of her. 

She directed her attention to Steve, narrowing her eyes, and asked a pointed question, "What's her name?" Steve began to reply, but Natasha couldn't hear his answer. A mysterious ringing in her ears disrupted the moment, leaving her momentarily puzzled. Despite this distraction, the banter and laughter continued, creating a lively atmosphere in Steve's shop.

As Natasha's parents bid farewell to Steve, her father held her hand, guiding her out of the shop.

Natasha's parents initially planned to stay in their hometown for a week, but Natasha, with a hidden agenda in her heart, tactfully requested them to extend their stay for another week. While her parents were initially hesitant due to their own commitments, they ultimately agreed to their daughter's earnest plea. Little did they know the ulterior motive Natasha harbored in her heart.

As the days unfolded in this quaint town, Natasha found herself contemplating strategies to avert Steve's impending fate. She had devised a plan to throw tantrums, mainly directed at her father, to ensure she had valid reasons to visit the market, where Steve's flower shop was located. Every day, without fail, and sometimes even twice or thrice a day, Natasha would concoct excuses to frequent the market.

In her mind, Natasha marked the ominous 12th day, the day Steve's fate took a tragic turn in the previous timeline. She was determined to prevent Steve's death this time around. The bustling market became her sanctuary, a place where she could observe Steve being okay and working diligently in his flower shop. Each visit was a subtle act of rebellion against the predestined tragedy that haunted Steve.

Natasha navigated this delicate dance of time, attempting to alter the course of events by simply being present in Steve's vicinity. Her interactions with Steve, the conversations she overheard, and the moments she shared with him during these visits were all part of a carefully crafted plan to change the narrative and ensure that Steve's fate took a more favorable turn. 

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