20. Coexistence

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As the unexpected journey unfolded, Natasha found herself in the midst of a cosmic twist that left her both confused and frustrated. A short trip had been planned, bringing Natasha's parents and Steve, along with his elusive wife, together in a camping car. This unforeseen development added a layer of complexity to Natasha's mission, leaving her perplexed about the mysterious woman who was apparently Steve's life partner.

Throughout the journey, Natasha's mind was filled with a mix of emotions – confusion, frustration, and a deep sense of curiosity. The enigma surrounding Steve's wife only intensified as Natasha attempted to catch a glimpse of her face, yet the universe seemed to conspire against her. Every attempt to engage the mysterious woman in conversation or simply catch her attention ended in vain, as Steve's wife became engrossed in various tasks, always managing to avoid facing Natasha directly.

The frustration grew within Natasha as the blonde hairs peeking out from under the scarf worn by Steve's wife fueled her suspicions. The thought that Sharon Carter, Agent 13 of SHIELD, might be Steve's wife in this alternate reality sent a ripple of discontent through Natasha's emotions. It was a stark contrast to her own reality, where Natasha had, at times, pushed Steve to consider a romantic relationship with Sharon.

As night descended, casting shadows over the surroundings, the group decided to spend the night beside a tranquil lake, anticipating a day of boat riding. Natasha's heart carried an added layer of fear; the prospect of going for a boat ride raised alarms within her.

 Despite her attempts to convince her parents to change their destination, her father insisted that it would be a fun experience. The entire night passed without Natasha getting any sleep, anxiety gnawing at her as she contemplated the potential danger awaiting Steve during the boat ride.

Morning unfolded, and the camping van door creaked open. Steve greeted Natasha with a warm smile, addressing her as "little Natasha." " Little Natasha, good morning."  Still nestled in her parents' grasp, Natasha woke from her restless night and stepped out of the van. Steve noticed the dull expression on her face and inquired about her well-being.

"Natasha, are you good? We'll have a lot of fun today," Steve cheerfully remarked. However, Natasha, with pleading eyes, expressed her fear about going for boating. " I'm scared of sea water. Let's not go for boat riding."  Hesitantly, she added, "Dad wouldn't listen. Please, let's not go near the water."

Steve observed her frightened and pleading eyes, letting out a sigh of understanding. He bent down on his knees and reassuringly grasped her shoulder. "Okay, we're not going to the water, alright? Let your dad and mom enjoy. They really want to." Natasha, though still uneasy, reluctantly agreed with a nod. However, she pressed the condition that Steve couldn't go near the water either.

Steve chuckled, playfully pinching her nose, and promised, "Okay, I won't." Just as he reassured Natasha, his 'wife' called for him, and he stood up, leaving Natasha with a lingering frustration toward the mysterious woman. 

As the planned unfolded, Natasha's parents and Steve's wife prepared for their boating adventure. Meanwhile, Natasha and Steve stayed on the ground, seated beside the camping van. Steve, ever the caring figure, decided to whip up some snacks for Natasha, hoping to keep her distracted and less fearful of the water while her parents enjoyed their boating escapade.

Engrossed in conversation, Steve found it easier to divert Natasha's attention away from her fear of water. The little girl, curious and harboring a tinge of jealousy, bombarded Steve with questions about his wife. With a gentle smile on his face, Steve began recounting their story.

He explained how they had met in high school, the blossoming of their romance, and their shared experiences working together for an agricultural company. Eventually, they decided to quit their jobs and return to their hometown, seeking a peaceful life together. Natasha listened intently, a mix of happiness for Steve and a subtle flare of displeasure whenever his wife was mentioned.

They continued their conversation, strolling at the edge of the lake, enjoying the cool breeze. They glanced at the approaching boat, anticipating the return of Natasha's parents and Steve's wife. However, as the boat neared the coast, Steve detected a problem. The air was pierced with screams from both sets of people. 

As Steve strained to listen, he realized there was a technical issue with the boat, hindering its movement. The panic escalated, and Steve, on the verge of rushing towards the water, felt Natasha's small hand gripping his. She pleaded with him not to go, reassuring him that her parents and his wife were equipped with safety jackets and knew how to swim. Natasha was determined to keep him away from the water, afraid for his safety.

However, Steve, fueled by concern for his wife's well-being, gently freed his hand from Natasha's grip. He explained that his wife, like Natasha, was once afraid of water and wasn't an expert swimmer. The mere mention of his wife's name caused Natasha to falter, frustration evident on her face. Unfazed by Natasha's reaction, Steve decisively freed his hand and plunged into the water, ignoring the little girl's fearful screams.

Steve swam determinedly through the freezing water, reaching the distressed boat where Natasha's parents were now in the water. Holding his wife's hand, still partially submerged, Steve reassured her, "It's okay. You're fine." With care, he adjusted her life jacket, making sure she was secure.

Suddenly, the hum of the boat's motor intensified, and Steve, turning around in alarm, was met with a horrifying sight. In an instant, the broken motor, submerged in the water, released its deadly blades, scattering them toward the group. Reacting swiftly, Steve pushed his wife out of harm's way, attempting to evade the oncoming blades.

However, the cruel hands of fate intervened, and with a rapid and merciless strike, one of the blades pierced Steve's rib area and stomach. In the blink of an eye, the water around him transformed into a haunting shade of scarlet as blood seeped into the lake.

His wife screamed in shock, calling out his name, "STEVE!" The echo of her anguish reverberated through the air, reaching Natasha on the coast. The rescue team leaped into action, but as Natasha took a glimpse of Steve's wife, her face painted with terror, the world seemed to spin around her.

The weight of the tragedy overwhelmed Natasha, and as her eyes flickered between the horrifying scene in the water and the unconscious state of Steve's wife, she crumpled to the ground. 

Natasha found herself once again in the dimly lit room, tears streaming down her face, and a profound sense of regret and shock enveloping her. The room seemed to echo with the weight of her emotions. As she turned her gaze toward Dr. Strange, seeking answers, she was met with a stoic silence.

"What was that?" Natasha's voice quivered with a mix of regret and disbelief. She needed to understand the inexplicable events she had just lived through. The room felt oppressive with the weight of the unspoken.

Dr. Strange remained silent, his demeanor offering no solace. Frustration grew within Natasha, and she pressed for answers again, the words catching in her throat, "How was it possible? I was there. How..."

She struggled to articulate the complexity of her emotions, the shock and confusion overwhelming her. Dr. Strange, recognizing her turmoil, sighed, "You were a ten-year-old girl. So you were different."

Natasha's mind reeled at the implications of his words. The revelation that she, as a young girl and as Steve's wife, both existed in an alternate reality left her grappling with the absurdity of it all. She mumbled through her tears, "This is absurd. My own older version was Steve's wife in that reality. When I was there myself as a girl around ten years. This is..."

The sentence hung in the air, unfinished, as Natasha struggled to come to terms with the mind-bending complexity of her existence across different realities. The threads of her life intricately woven with Steve's in ways that defied logic.

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