31. Something Normal But Shocking

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The next day, the sunlit afternoon poured through the windows, creating a warm ambiance in the house. Natasha, filled with curiosity, followed the sound of a soft giggle that echoed from downstairs. As she descended the stairs, she prepared to address Steve but found herself frozen at the sight that greeted her.

In the living room, Sam and Happy Hogan sat on the couch, engrossed in a playful scene. A girl with light blonde hair darted around the couch, holding the TV remote. It seemed Sam was engaging in a lighthearted game, attempting to catch the elusive remote from her tiny hands. Before Natasha could retreat, the little girl's eyes lit up with recognition.

"Aunty Nat!" the girl exclaimed, her voice echoing through the room. Sam and Happy turned their gaze to the stairs, gasping in surprise as they witnessed Natasha's presence. Steve, entering through the door, sighed at the unfolding scene; it appeared that the time had come to reveal the secret.

With unbridled excitement, the little girl dashed towards Natasha, hugging her legs with genuine affection. "Aunty Nat, I missed you. Where have you been?" she inquired with the innocence only a child could possess.

Steve, standing at a distance, exchanged a silent communication with Natasha, mouthing the name 'Morgan.' Natasha understood the need for discretion and responded with a gentle smile.

"I missed you too, little Stark," Natasha replied, her voice tender. With a warm gesture, she lifted the girl into her arms and began to ascend the stairs. The child giggled with delight, her small arms wrapping around Natasha's neck.

Meanwhile, Happy and Sam exchanged puzzled glances, silently questioning Steve about the unexpected addition to the household. Steve, with a resigned expression, motioned for them to follow him, indicating that an explanation was in order.

Steve led Sam and Happy Hogan into the small kitchen, Happy, attempting to find his voice, hesitated before uttering, "Was it... Ms. Romanoff?" Steve responded with a solemn nod, confirming the identity that had stirred disbelief.

Sam, shaking his head in a mix of awe and disbelief, questioned, "Dude, are you serious? How?"

Steve, burdened with the responsibility of explaining this extraordinary circumstance, found it challenging to put into words. "She came to this timeline, just like we traveled in time to get those damn stones," he explained, offering a brief overview of the intricate events that had transpired.

Sam, eager for details, further inquired, "Is she from the past, or the future? Or an alien?"

Steve sighed, attempting to simplify the complexity of the situation. "Shut up. She is from the past. 2015. Before Sokovia mess," he clarified. Happy and Sam exchanged nods, attempting to grasp the implications of Natasha's arrival.

Sam, pushing for more answers, pressed, "Then what is she doing here? I mean, isn't she...?" He paused mid-sentence, leaving the implication hanging in the air," Are you forcing her to..." 

Steve, his eyes narrowing, responded firmly, "Are you crazy?! No." He sighed, preparing to unravel the intricacies of Natasha's journey.

"Okay, so... Just like Natasha died here in this world, Steve died in her world," Steve revealed, prompting widened eyes from both Sam and Happy. As he continued, Steve explained the complexity of the situation, "It's complicated. It was due to the reality stone, so the Doctor Strange from her reality helped her fix the cosmic mess. After completing her mission, she says it was kind of a reward, to live a life here."

Sam and Happy, still processing the extraordinary narrative, attempted to make sense of the interwoven threads of time, reality, and cosmic interventions that had brought Natasha Romanoff to their doorstep.

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