9. The Sinking Realisation

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As Natasha and Tony entered the lounge area of Stark Tower, a mix of confusion and frustration painted Natasha's face. She glanced around, noting the presence of Thor, who offered her a sympathetic smile. The atmosphere in the room felt heavy, and the unfamiliar man in a peculiar costume added to the tension.

Thor's friendly gesture aimed to convey a sense of understanding, as if he recognized the inner turmoil Natasha might be experiencing. His eyes held a blend of compassion and sorrow, acknowledging the difficult situation they were about to discuss.

Dr. Stephen Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme and Time Stone keeper, gestured towards a seat, inviting Natasha to take a place across from him. She complied, settling into the seat with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. The room seemed to hold its breath as Dr. Strange began to unravel the intricate web of the universe.

In a calm yet authoritative tone, Dr. Strange delved into an explanation about the creation and purpose of the Infinity Stones. His words wove a narrative of cosmic significance, describing these ancient and powerful artifacts that held immense control over different aspects of existence.

The atmosphere in the room became charged with an otherworldly energy as Dr. Strange's words resonated. He spoke of the delicate balance of the universe and how the misuse of these stones could lead to catastrophic consequences. Natasha, absorbing this cosmic knowledge, tried to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

Dr. Strange then directed their attention to the reality stone, specifically the tube they had extracted. He outlined its significance among the Infinity Stones, emphasizing that it had the power to fulfill the deepest desires of the one who held it.

Natasha's breath hitched, and she couldn't comprehend the full implications of Dr. Strange's words. In her confusion, she sought clarification, asking, "Who held it, what do you mean?"

However, Dr. Strange redirected the conversation, posing a question that struck at the core of Natasha's emotions and commitment. "Ms. Romanoff, what can you do to save Captain Rogers?" he inquired. 

Natasha's breath quickened as the weight of the situation pressed upon her. She asked with a sense of urgency, "That infinity stone can bring him back?"

Dr. Strange sighed, acknowledging the difficulty of the situation. Instead of providing a straightforward answer, he asked again, "What can you do to save him?"

 Natasha felt a surge of absurdity in the proposal, yet an undeniable yearning to believe in the possibility. Despite the uncertainty and the seemingly impossible task, she declared with sincerity, "I'll do anything. Literally anything to save him." 

Dr. Strange eyed Natasha with careful scrutiny, probing the depths of her resolve. He posed a challenging question, "Will you do anything, even if it would mean for Steve Rogers, not Captain Rogers?"

Natasha's eyes betrayed her confusion, grappling with the weight of the proposition. Yet, within that uncertainty, her reflection revealed a resolute confidence.

She sighed, her voice carrying both sorrow and determination, "He was...Steve Rogers for me. Captain America was only when he would rant his cliché pep talk." A bittersweet chuckle escaped her lips, a fragile attempt to mask the tears that threatened to fall.

Dr. Strange fell into a thoughtful silence, his responsibility as the protector of the Infinity Time Stone clashing with the sensitivity of the matter at hand. Carefully choosing his words, he addressed Natasha, "Ms. Romanoff, the day you were angrily saying those things to Captain Rogers, you were holding the reality stone container." Natasha's mind raced to that moment, and she nodded in acknowledgment. However, Dr. Strange hesitated before delivering the weighty truth, "That stone... accepted your desire."

The revelation hit Natasha like a physical blow. "What?" she exclaimed, struggling to process the implications. 

Dr. Strange nodded somberly, confirming, "The reality stone accepted your curse on him." The gravity of the situation sunk in, and Natasha's mind began to grasp the horrifying reality. She had unintentionally used the reality stone to bring her words to life, to curse Steve. 

In that moment, the suspicions she had harbored, the unspoken fears that had lingered in the corners of her mind, all crystallized into a devastating truth. She unintentionally wielded a power beyond her comprehension, a power that turned her impassioned words into a lethal force. The Red Room's training, designed to eliminate closest allies when necessary, had unconsciously played out in the most tragic way possible.

The gravity of the situation bore down on Natasha like a crushing weight. Her eyes, usually sharp and composed, now welled up with unshed tears. The woman known for her resilience and strength crumbled under the weight of the profound loss she had unknowingly caused. As her tears fell, she uttered in a choked voice, "So... I really did kill Steve."

Dr. Strange addressed the task at hand with a somber tone, "Ms. Romanoff, just like here, Steve Rogers would die, having the same fate - sinking in water, in every other reality of the multiverse." Natasha's tearful eyes held a mix of sorrow and confusion, grappling with the enormity of the revelation.

The sorcerer continued to unravel the complexity of the situation, explaining, "Yes, there are many variants of Steve Rogers in the multiverse, in many realities. Captain Rogers was one of them."

Natasha's expression gradually hardened as the weight of the responsibility she was being asked to bear became clear. In a voice reflecting her inner turmoil, she questioned, "Why would I do something for them when... I can't have this Steve Rogers alive?"

The conflict between personal grief and cosmic responsibility was evident on Natasha's face. Dr. Strange's words had presented her with a choice that transcended her own loss, forcing her to grapple with the fate of countless other versions of Steve Rogers across the vastness of the multiverse.

It was a profound sacrifice, and Natasha was caught between the desire to save her Steve and the overwhelming burden of deciding the destiny of the Steve in countless other realms. 

Dr. Strange acknowledged Natasha's pain with empathy, "But you said he was Steve Rogers for you, not only Captain America. In some other universe, in some other timeline, Steve Rogers might be a teacher, a school student, a rude man, a proud old man. There are many."

The weight of the responsibility became even clearer as he continued, "And if you don't end this reality-breaking flow, he will die in every universe. There will also be a time when he won't even be born. And gradually, Steve Rogers' existence will be omitted from the infinity realities."

Natasha felt another wave of sorrow and responsibility crashing over her. The directness of Dr. Strange's words added a stark reality to the cosmic dilemma she faced. The fate of Steve Rogers was not just confined to her world; it rippled across the vast tapestry of the multiverse. The burden of deciding the destiny of countless variations of Steve, each with its unique life and story, bore down on her, intensifying the inner turmoil she was experiencing.

The room descended into a prolonged silence, allowing Natasha the necessary space to deliberate in her clear mind. A profound ache had settled within her, a pain that had intensified in recent times. 

The world may have moved on from Captain America, but the figure with permanent authority in her heart was Steve Rogers. She yearned for Steve, not the emblematic Captain America. The loss she felt was personal; she had lost her Steve, not the title-holding soldier.

As the weight of her decision pressed on, she sighed. The realization that the world had forgotten Captain America but she could not forget her Steve, fueled her determination. Her mission was clear—to rectify the consequences of her past mistakes and save Steve in his various iterations across different realities.

 With a nod, she affirmed, "Okay. What do I need to do?" Despite the concern etched on Tony and Thor's faces, Natasha remained resolute. 

Dr. Strange detailed the task ahead, "You have to travel through the multiverse, one universe to another. And, of course, I'll assist you."

 Her nod conveyed not just determination but a commitment to a journey that would transcend the boundaries of her own grief, undertaken for the sake of Steve and the myriad versions of him scattered across the multiverse. 

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